Psalm 26: 7-8 Tune: Bays of Harris

6 months ago

Sing Psalms
Psalm 26: 7-8
"I’ll tell of all your awesome deeds, proclaiming loud your praise."
Tune: Bays of Harris
Falkirk Free Church


1 Declare me innocent, O LORD;
I’ve walked in blameless ways,
And I have trusted in the LORD,
not wav’ring all my days.

2 Test me, O LORD, and try my heart;
my inmost thoughts survey.
3 Your love surrounds me; from your truth
my feet will never stray.

4 I do not sit with worthless folk;
I shun the hypocrite.
5 I hate the wicked’s gatherings;
with them I will not sit.

6 I wash my hands in innocence,
and blameless is my heart;
I go about your altar, LORD—
the place you set apart.

7 I’ll tell of all your awesome deeds,
proclaiming loud your praise.
8 Your glory fills your dwelling-place;
I love your house always.

9 Sweep not away my soul, O LORD,
with those who hate your way;
Nor take away my life with those
who love to wound and slay.

10 For their right hands are full of bribes;
they plot iniquity.
11 But I will lead a blameless life—
in mercy set me free.

12 My feet will stand with confidence
upon a level place,
And in the people’s gathering
I’ll praise the LORD of grace.

#psalms #psalm26 #bible #dailyverse #singpsalms

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