If You Are 70-80 Years Old and Can Still Do These 9 THINGS, You Are a RARE GEM | Buddhist Teachings

4 months ago

If You Are 70-80 Years Old and Can Still Do These 9 THINGS, You Are a RARE GEM | Buddhist Teachings
#buddhistwisdom #motivation #buddhainsight #zen #buddhaswisdom #peace #zenstory #zenitsuagatsuma #zenmusic #meditation #meditationmusic

Your Queries:
If You Are 70-80 Years Old and Can Still Do The following 8 THINGS
If You Are 70-80 Years Old and Can Still Do These 9 THINGS you are a rare gem
If you are 70 or 80
If You Are 70-80 Years Old one should not go visiting around
If you are 70-80 years old
if you are 70-80 years old walking less and doing these three things

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