The Global 'Elites' Depopulation Agenda in Their Own Words - Full Version

5 months ago

Kamala Harris - US political class
Jeff Bezos - Big tech
Bill Gates - WHO (World Health Organization) - vaccines - GMO food - geoengineering
Ursula von der Leyen - European Union (EU)
Larry Fink - BlackRock - largest 'investment' company - own nearly every corporation in the world
Stanley Johnson (Borris Johnson's father) - UK political class
Sadhguru - a typical World Economic Forum (WEF) attendee
David Rockefeller - of the Rockefeller Foundation (NGO) - Credited with setting up the United Nations (the UN).
Ted Turner - Bilderberg, Club of Rome, United Nations, the Committee of 300
Henry Kissinger - Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, World Economic Forum
Yuval Noah Harari - World Economic Forum, adviser of Obama and Klaus Schwab.
There are many others but it is showing how well the globalist, communist, fascist, technocratic plan has been adopted by everyone except the people.

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