5 months ago

Witnessing the slow demise of the American way of life makes it clear that democracy, even a constitutional republic as a version of democracy, doesn’t work. That being said, socialism is definitely not a viable alternative. If our democratic process has been a slow walk off a long cliff, then socialism is akin to Hussain Bolt sprinting towards that same cliff with a noose surround his neck and a bomb strapped to his back. So what do we do? What’s left? Do we give up? No, that’s not what I’m saying at all. What I’m saying is that you cannot create a solution to a problem you refuse to acknowledge. Why has democracy, or our constitutional republic, failed to uphold the tenets of our founding documents? Is it because of leadership? Ask yourself, “who elected them”? Is it because of the destruction of our nuclear family? Ask yourself, “who excepted it”? Is it because of socialist policies that hinder liberty? Ask yourself, “who marched in the streets demanding it? Is it because of sexual immorality? Ask yourself, “who pushed to normalized it? We are now the land of the slave and the home of the coward and we got here by way of democracy. If you believe murder is wrong, but your neighbor doesn’t share that value and you both have the right to vote, what happens to your community if your neighbor’s voice is a part of the 51%? Let’s say you believe pedophiles should be institutionalized or incarcerated, but the 51% believe that “minor attracted persons” is a sexual orientation protected under anti-discrimination laws, what recourse do you have now. It’s not any better if you flip the percentages, you still end up with 51 oppressing the 49 and that division will inevitably lead to conflict. So what’s the solution? If the problem is diametrically opposed values then the answer is shared values. Shared values unifies. Shared values offer boundaries that all choose to adhere to willingly and for the greater good. And that greater good is reached through rational assessments undergird by objective truth, historical precedent, and acknowledgement of personal property as an inalienable right. Until “we the people” come to the realization that a culturally instigated division of fundamental values is upstream from the political matrix, democracy will continue to be weaponized to destroy our republic, our liberty, and our nation.

ON PODCAST: https://open.spotify.com/episode/31eaWS78evJCJUoNzPWpVl

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