Freedom's Bard - Red Line (beat prod. Pendo46)

3 months ago

The evils of big government and the rage of the oppressed.

Complete work free for non-profit use and is released with no intention or desire to profit.

Beat produced by Pendo46 from here:
Contact the above artist for more great beats and licensing information.

Lyrics and vocals by Freedom's Bard and released under the CC-BY-SA license.
If you create a comparable CC-BY-SA licensed beat and want us to rap with that, post a link in the comments!
Vocal only tracks also available per request for making your own derivative works. Make sure to credit Freedom's Bard.

All music has been created and uploaded anonymously. To ensure that state actors have not corrupted this song or
copted the Freedom's Bard organization, all lyrics and time stamp response files have been and
will be signed by the following bitcoin address. If you can't verify the message using this address, assume
it is propaganda or we have been destroyed.

Bitcoin address:


This is the message signature for this song:


To verify, copy the following text between the start/stop sequences, bitcoin address, and message signature into a bitcoin wallet like Electrum and verify the message.
To verify the time stamp, copy the gibberish below the lyrics into a new time stamp response (tsr) file and everything above into a different
file to generate a time stamp request (tsq) file. With both of these you can verify the time the message was created and that it has not been
altered since the time stamp was generated.

Artist: Freedom's Bard
Song: Red Line

we're from the government, we came here to help
steal what you got left so your kids have no wealth
why, because we can, and you never fight back
monopolized the violence, crowd you back into shacks
be a good slave, make sure vote this November
don't ask questions, forget, don't think, remember
all eyes on you, watching your every move
because we're the good guys, innocent? you have to prove

media plays defense, runs truth through the ringer
distract with travis and taylor, our favorite singer
committees and hearings, more air time for leeches
we just get shot from our back seats in the bleachers
no voice, no choice, forefathers went to war for less
time to remind em whose the alpha is, thump our chest
I got balls, like pussy, and have fair complection
don't check the right boxes, thanks affirmative action

republics collapsed, choice between 2 evils
they fuck us all the same, martin luther, we're equal
riot, try spray us water cannons, just douse us
we'll all move east and burn down some white houses
they're the enemy, and the people, we're the victors
time to tighten some nooses, beltway constrictors
no justice no peace, we're all the victims
fore reeducation, use 2nd amendment

they said shelter in place, get profitized shots
didn't help nothin, just broke our hearts
see something say something, nark on your neighbors
disinformation, comes from the top
until we step up, they're not going to stop
matter of time fore that cross that red line

fed reserve stampin dead heads onto paper
makin money from nothing, while all our wages taper
spendings on the double, then they run into trouble
they'll stamp a trillion dollar coin, and keep inflating this bubble
Wall gets bailed out, Main gets the shaft
under table payments straight to Constitution Ave.
my kids can't have seconds, they eat from spoons golden
lining their pockets with money's been stolen

make our kids all faggots, reduce native population
import new voters for the next retard generation
do black lives matter? protests rocked the nation
vote democrat, get back to your plantation
how'd your revolution go? did you pick the nominee?
Change chose for you by Obama, Clinton, and Pelosi
Biden got dropped quick, deep state coreographed hit
How do people believe they have a choice in this shit?

push the irrelevant, shout and scream nonsense
ignore the man behind the curtain, locked behind a fence
alphabet agencies now giant demons
hard to fight back when courts don't listen to reason
civil seizure theft they stole all my cash
cuz I board a plane gives them a right to grab my wife's ass
Bitch slap that TSA agent in a clown suit
about to turn that nazi into worm food

they said shelter in place, get profitized shots
didn't help nothin, just broke our hearts
see something say something, nark on your neighbors
disinformation, comes from the top
until we step up, they're not going to stop
matter of time fore that cross that red line

indroctrinate the children, rewrite the history
cave to your feelings, you all get a fake trophy
parents are evil, promote teachers union secrecy
pledge allegiance to the flag of our great technocracy
look at the hypocracy, think for yourself
reddit, facebook, google, they can all go to hell
now they claim that I'm the monster, I'm the real evil
for shining the light, and telling all you poor people

who the real terrorist is, leviathan on k street
end the bureacracy, else they force you to eat bug meat
5 felonies a day, you and I just committed
so many laws to get you on bullshit they invented
less law, less regulation, ignore their dictates
there's alot more of us than them, and we won't stop
so I plead with you, look up from your screens, the truth is simple as it seems
unless we act now, it'll be too late
lost forever, the ideas that made this place great
0\82f0\000\82] *\86H\86\F7\0D\01\07\02\A0\82\05\4E\30\82\05\4A\02\01\03\31\0F\30\0D\06\09\60\86\48\01\65\03\04\02\03\05\00\30\82\01\A4\06\0B\2A\86\48\86\F7\0D\01\09\10\01\04\A0\82\01\93\04\82\01\8F\30\82\01\8B\02\01\01\06\04\2A\03\04\01\30\51\30\0D\06\09\60\86\48

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