Uncovering ‘Deep State’ Civil Servants Who Should Be Ousted

1 month ago

When a new president is elected, especially when that president is of a different party from the previous administration, personnel changes ensue. But just as important as who a new president should hire into his or her administration is the consideration of who to fire, or at least remove from positions significant influence, according to Thomas Jones.

Through an initiative called Project Sovereignty 2025, Jones, president of the conservative oversight organization American Accountability Foundation, is working to compile a list of “deep state” civil servants currently working on immigration policy and who would likely not support a conservative administration’s border policies.

“A lot of the people who come into the civil service in this space, their career and their ideology is … they think mass migration into the United States is a good, it's important that we let these people in, and it's their life goal to really make that policy happen,” Jones said.

Jones argues that anyone who thinks government employees who have spent the past four years “allowing migrants into the United States,” will suddenly support a conservative administration’s plan to deport mass numbers of illegal aliens, does not understand “how government works.”

Jones joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss the agenda and implementation of Project Sovereignty 2025.

Enjoy the show!

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