Aug 21st - Until Death Do We Diagnose

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Doug Talks About: Until Death Do We Diagnose

Sadly, many fungal diagnoses, including fungal thyroiditis, are made during an autopsy. Doctors are simply not trained to think of fungus as being capable of causing such misery and death. Truthfully, it is rarely fungus that is problematic, rather their poisonous byproducts (mycotoxins) that wreak havoc on human health. Once again, mycotoxins are not routinely taught during medical education. On Wednesday from 11AM until Noon Central Time, we will continue our discussion on how certain fungi can mimic cancer, while others can cause cancer. Additionally, we will also discuss what might happen if these mycotoxins that can cause human cancer, were to find their way into your thyroid gland. Please join me at 11AM on Wednesday and tell a friend who needs to hear this important discussion. - Doug

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