High voltage zinc battery

6 months ago

Tools and equipments needed for a homemade battery..

1. Harpic toilet cleaner
2. Hypochlorite bleach
4. Water
3. Zinc metal
4. Carbon rod.
5. Plastic container...

Voltage produced per cell; 1.89 volts...
Higher than regular dry batteries with 1.5volts.
So how does this work?
We mixed Harpic toilet cleaner and hypochlorite bleach together in water as our electrolyte, we used zinc as our negative electrode and carbon rod (or copper sheet) as our positive electrode.

In simple terms, zinc loves being in liquid form than in their solid state so when it's placed in any solution containing positive and negative ions, it dissolves... In the process of dissolving, it releases electrons into the solution and the carbon rod takes those electrons out and that's how energy (voltage) is produced.
Someone might also want to ask... Is this rechargeable?

Short answer... No it can not be recharged directly as it's a primary cell

But one way to charge up the cell is by replacing the used zinc strip or zinc rod with fresh zinc.

Replacing the zinc electrode with fresh zinc is one way to recharge this cell...

What is the durability of this cell?
It works between 15 to 72hrs powering a simple wall clock before running out.

Note: making a solid state electrolyte or an highly conductive paste, will give you a run time of up to 3 weeks.
Happy battery making.

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