Planetary Evacuation After The Great Solar Flash! Special Announcement From Ashtar Sheran!

6 months ago

What Ashtar Sheran lays out in this message, closely mirrors what is stated in the Phoenix Journals around planetary evacuation.

Emanuel and Pastora

By Ashtar
144 Pages (83)
This Journal is A multi-dimensional perspective, offered in precisely clear language. Some noteworthy cautions to "receivers". Clarification of the Ashtar energy, of etherian beings and of the difference between space people and spirit people. Earth as a school of learning, of the lower grades. Great insights into the purpose and state of "man", of the planetary condition and the governmental attitude toward "higher" beings. Demystification of the planetary cleansing and evacuation process. Turning the cards on evil through understanding their methods. The true origin of the species of man. The "dark brotherhood" is real. Pitfalls are plentiful, the path steep. There's no turning back. Christ's teaching gave us example. The nuclear threat is real. The powerful forces of Spirit at work within man during this 'end-time' where final choices must be made. Closing statement by Jesus Christ.

Some topics included are: Clarification Of The Ashtar Energy—Some Noteworthy Cautions To “Receivers”—The Difference Between Space People And Spirit People—Demystification Of The Planetary Cleansing and Evacuation Process—Turning The Cards On Evil Through Understanding Their Methods—The “Dark Brotherhood”—The Powerful Forces Of Spirit At Work—The True Origins Of The Species Of Man—Closing Statement By Esu “Jesus” Sananda. (Index Included)

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