TOP Psychic PREDICTS Great SOLAR FLASH -26 Days of DARKNESS 5D Ascension is HERE- Kerry K

6 months ago

TOP Psychic PREDICTS Great SOLAR FLASH -26 Days of DARKNESS 5D Ascension is HERE- Kerry K
In our latest interview with Kerry K, we discusses the concept of 5D ascension and the shift from the false matrix to the organic universe. Kerry J predicts a great solar flash followed by days of darkness that will ultimately uplift us to a new consciousness. She also discusses the different missions that souls choose to embark on in this world, including the roles of in-betweeners, anchor points, and front runners in the lightworker community. Kerry shares her grandest vision for the world, which is the restoration of humanity's heart and the experience of love, acceptance, and unity. She describes her personal experience of Ascension and the profound sense of love and connection she felt in the future.

As for Kerry K's story, illness opened the door to pre-consciousness. She spent much of her childhood flitting from this side of the veil to the other side. Many childhood years had her spending more time in hospital than at home. The space beyond the veil became very familiar, in fact it became her home. It was easier than teetering between life and death, she simply lived with an open door, travelling between the physical and non-physical worlds.

As an adult she was gifted amazing non-physical teachers, they’re called “The Galactics” and are a group of highly evolved non terrestrial beings who came to help her remember the other side of the veil. They were infuriating teachers, not because they scolded her but because they kept pointing me back to herself so that she had nowhere else to go but within, to regain access to her true divinity. Their teachings became her methods to support humanity in regaining access to their own divinity. She often says that her role is not to lead people to her, but to lead people back to their true self, beyond the false matrix. I’m not here to give them the answers, but to show them that they are the answer.

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