Blood of Martyrs Seed of Christians

7 months ago

Here is a song a friend wrote called "Blood of Martyrs Seed of Christians". Please share this song, if you like it! May God reward you!

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Blood of martyrs seed of Christians make it right.
Blood of martyrs seed of Christians let it be our blood tonight.
Blood of martyrs seed of Christians make it right.
Blood of martyrs seed of Christians it’s our own blood that wins the fight.

From the holy land to Roman Colosseum
To the caliphate and martyrs of Japan
The blood of martyrs is the seed of faith in God’s Almighty plan.

From the holy apostles to Saint Thomas More for theology.
From John the Baptist to Joan of Arc for their morality.
The blood of martyrs is the seed of faith in Catholic history.

Our blood spilled for the one holy Catholic and apostolic faith.
Is a red fountain flowing out with the seed of grace.
Christ as Martyr redeemed us after Adam’s devastating mistake.
So let’s model the martyrs shed red liquid seeds of faith.

From the boiled in oil to the stabbed and stoned.
From the strangled to saints lions mangled to the bone.
The blood of martyrs is the seed of trusting God alone.

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