The VA: What Do We Do With It? Part 1 of 2

4 months ago

Problems at the VA have nothing to do with the people you will see and interact with when you walk into a facility. The problems are at the top. I will fix this. I will make things right for Vietnam Veterans. I will tie DoD and VA together and produce continuity. I will get homeless Veterans off the street. I will make access to care better and easier while reducing patient load at the VA, saving us money while making things better for Veterans. Problems at the VA are easily fixed - we just need someone that will do it, and I'm that person.

My series on border security and my strategy for handling the invasion at our southern border: For a lengthy pdf that captures the whole series, structured as an Executive Order, please go to this link:

Slides related to my Healthcare plan can be found here:

Link to Rand Paul's report on government waste:

I'm running for President as a write-in candidate, for the 2024 election year. Yes, it's possible to win the presidency as a write-in candidate. I am a resident of Florida, with no party affiliation. I am a combat veteran. I believe in God. I believe in our founding documents. I believe in the People. I'm tired of waiting for someone like Thomas Sowell to run for President. He doesn't want the job. There are no secret groups of super patriots that are going to save the nation from ruin. We the People must do it. I intend to do it from the White House. You don't have to put respect on my name. You don't even have to say my name. Just write it down - on your ballot. Charles Todd Sullivan

To get a pdf copy of the slides used in this video go here:

To get picture images of the slides used in this video go here:

To get drafts of my Executive Orders, go here:

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