Jewish Groups Forced To Meet In Private And Are STILL Harassed At DNC

4 months ago

Posted • August 21, 2024: This is repeated often, but stop and imagine what the corporate media would be doing if this was happening at the Republican National Convention? What if ANY minority group had to meet under heavy security at the RNC? The Press would be running wild with it. Rachel Maddow would be practically shrieking her head off and Morning Mika would need medical care after all the breathless reporting. "Brick by brick, wall by wall, Zionism has got to fall" — protestors showed up at an event hosted by Agudath Israel, an Orthodox Jewish organization, that is meant to highlight the rise of antisemitism & the growing electoral power of religious Jews. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Jewish Groups Forced to Meet in Private and are STILL Harassed at DNC

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