PS 2: 8 Ask of Me, and I will give [You] the nations as Your inheritance—Yeshua Chose You

5 months ago

Psalm 2:7-12

Psalm 2:1-12

Last week we studied Psalm 2:4-6. The Lord will laugh at them at them. They afforded no mercy because there was no place for mercy within them.
This Psalm wears something of a dramatic form, for now another person is introduced as speaking.

We have looked into the council-chamber of the wicked, and into the throne room of God, and now we see the Anointed declaring his rights of sovereignty, and warning the traitors of their doom.

[[Remember, I will place my commentary within the double brackets]]

Psalm 2:7-12
This week we propose to look into what the Lord may give us this day in verses 7-12
“I will declare the decree of the Lord:
He said to Me, ‘You are My Son;
This day [I proclaim] I have begotten him.

[[This Psalm now takes a turn towards the dramatic, now we also greet a new speaker.]]

[[ Now we look directly into the brawl between of the opposing sides. Ever and a day shall they fight. Then. in one day, the war will be •••Over

[[They fight and develop their kinetic trade. To battle forever and a day, until the time is up. ]]

[[Now we understand the reason of why the Heathen Rage. A decree in the Heavens have been made ‘You are My Son’. Ever has Satan believed he would be chosen as the Son of Man, but it never would it be so.
Delusion walks around in different packages! Eh?

[[Some have looked for the Trinity in these short sentences. Be it far from me to teach the Trinity from my lowly station.]]

[[Here is a noble proof of the glorious Divinity of our Immanuel.
To which of the angels, said he. “You are my Son, this day have I begotten you?" What a mercy to have the Son by our side. ]]

[[Now this decree is in direct contradiction with the known mechanisms of Satan.
His goal is to trap Man, tie him up so tightly bound, neither Man nor beasts would ever extricate poor poor Adam’s seed.

‘Ask of Me, and I will assuredly give [You] the nations as Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth as Your possession.
[["Ask of me." It was a custom among the great houses, to give to the favored ones whatever they might ask. So Yeshua has but to ask to have.]]

[[You have not because ask not. Is that anything similar to groaning in the spirit, to bring something to fruition. Didn’t we just talk about that the other night. What is groaning but cybernetics, frequency, sound, and vibration.]{

Esther 5:6

Matthew 14:6-7

[[So Yeshua only needs to ask.
He asks for the rabble of the known Universes to become his special possession.
That is you and I.]]

[[You may now have, with my permission to get up and do your happy dance.]]

Ralph Stanley
Amazing Grace

I once held a funeral for a well established family in the little logging community near Toledo Washington.
I got to know Mr Magil and Mrs Magil over intervening months. David was dying.
He used to tell me how he’d walk over the window facing East. How he thank God that he was alive on such a beautiful day.

His wife called me one Sunday morning to tell me David had passed away in the night.
Would I still be open to officiating the funeral?
I readily agreed. That’s what I agreed to do.
Then, she wanted to know if I could meet with the family that Sunday afternoon, meaning today.
She impressed upon me most of the family were in town and could meet with me that afternoon.

I arrived at the appointed time. When I arrived I found I knew more people than I may have imagined.

Even though I was the pastor of a little church I had to work five days a week to make ends meet.

So I found my bosses there of the trucking company I worked for and some other connections I thought I’d never see again.

The day of the funeral I met the family at the graveside.
I offered prayers for the family. Then I read the 91st Psalm.
Psalm 91

And then I told this little story. I said. “You know David woke up the other morning and walked over to his new window In heaven.

David walked over to his widow overlooking a foggy marsh land.
And he said, like he’s said it for years.

Most of the family didn’t know I had visited Mr & Mrs Magil in their home. Prayed with them numerous times.
In fact! He told me the story I was supposed to share with his family at his funeral.

Then I sang Amazing Grace A Cappella.
I thought Mrs Madil was going to go into orbit that Thursday afternoon.
After the service, she clasped my hand. David would have been proud.
[[Can you imagine your Grandma and Grandpa running the isles in the old clapboard church. Yes, they did!!
And to Amazing Grace. It spoke to a previous generation and maybe a new generation too.
The Stanley Brothers
Angel Band
[[The Son has given you and I this, not only, the right to be King of Cains but the power to be more than a conquer.

Romans 8:31-39

‘You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall shatter them [in pieces] like earthenware.’”

[[ Yes, God the Father, has given to his Anointed, a rod of iron with which to break the back of the rebellious Cains, the so called kings of Earth.]]

[[He shall break the Cains like pottery. Break them into pottery shards. There will never be enough glue to put them back together again.]]
[[Yes! Jehovah has given to his Anointed a rod of iron with which he shall break rebellious nations in pieces, and despite their peril of strength, they shall be but as potters' vessels, easily dashed into shivers, when the rod of iron is in the hand of the omnipotent Son of God. ]]
[[Those who will not bend must break. Potters' vessels are not to be restored if dashed in pieces, and the ruin of sinners will be broken. ]]
[[Does Satan Speak In Unknown Tongues]]
This Psalm wears something of a dramatic form, for now another person is introduced as speaking.
We saw what the Biden Administration would do; if given the opportunity to Rob, Maul and Murder .
We looked into throne room of God. We see the Anointed One declaring his rights as sovereign and warning the traitors of their doom.
God laughed at the counsel of the ravings of the wicked, and now Christ the Anointed himself comes forward, as the Risen Redeemer.

Romans 1:4
[[Looking into the angry faces of the rebellious Cains, the Anointed One seems to say,]]

[[Now we understand why the Heathen Rage. It is settled in the blood stain of the Cross, salvation would come through Yeshua.]]

[[You are my Son, with all of the rights and privileges there unto granted to Yeshua. And how generous he is with his gifts to Huemanity.

[[Begin to ask today, to increase your natural latent gifts today.

James 4:2-4

[[As soon as you land on your knees to pray. The devil will remind you of some Irrelevant chore of some urgent need to be accomplished.]]

[[A howl began to rise among the rabble, the few selected to be in the hallowed halls. It was quickly quenched by the Son, with a simple hand gesture.]]

[[To which of the angels did he ever say—this is my Son. What a Divine Redeemer to have on our side.]]

[[Many things are divulged through the written Word. More than enough to find salvation for the soul.]]

[[Many have lost their way by trying to prove the Trinity through these short sentences.]]

“Ye sinners seek his grace
Whose wrath ye cannot bear
Fly to the shelter of his Cross
And find salvation there”
~Charles H. Spurgeon
Much of my notes are dependent on Charles H Spurgeon.
[[ I put it to you, dear reader. Should Able, son of be considered, the first incarnation of the Christ figure.]]

[[This would explain much, the hate of Cain towards his brother Able.]]

[[The murderous hate of Cain for the Saviour of the World, and of course his adherents too.]]
John 15:18-27

Who Is
Donald J Trump
They’re not after me!
I just happen to be in the way!
••• ‘
Benjamin Fulford
Russian soldiers are describing finding children with fragile, emaciated bodies hooked up to intravenous drips while their bodies were expertly drained of blood and adrenal fluid for the global adrenochrome trade.
Benjamin Fulford
Benjamin Fulford
Insider information

A Life Of Perfectism
Type A
I used to be upset with myself for making an honest mistake. Then I would have to do my work over again.
There is value in work done a second time. It is made better.
Anything less is frustration and anger.

We know what brings the hyper-demons? Loosh created by you and I to feed, feel the demons.
Don’t feed the monsters.

Remember Monsters Inc
What Were They Collecting?

I Am
Your Host

I ran out of room for all of the of Psalm 2
If I am so moved, I will pick it up again.
Be well my friends
We are moving into a difficult day
Be calm your family is going to need you calm. Level headed.
I love each and every one of you.


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