USA & all 5eyes nations under FEDERAL SEIGE - citizenship Collateral Bonds Slaves

6 months ago

The Federal Reserve act passed 1933, the federal police FBI the federal banks, federal courthouses, federal media, federal parliament or white house. We are Describing a 'Shadow Government Regime'. A layer of secret service military regime control layers of federal rules, laws,regulations. THE FEDERAL GANGSTERS NEED TO GO! Another Oppressive SLAVERY regime. Using us as their DEBT SECURITIES BOND SLAVES. Marriage & Birth certificates are Collateral BONDS up for sale on Sharemarkets like wall street & london stock exchange. ITS A MODERN SLAVE TRADE. Left to grow Bonds to High Yield Bonds worth billions to Transfer to criminals politicians-elites-bankers. They buy a copy of your birth cert from Internal Affairs without you knowing including CHILDREN. This is child trafficking human trafficking money laundering Criminal operation.
adjective (An interpreted goal, intent, or end).
1.Of, relating to, or being a form of government in which a union of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central authority while retaining certain residual powers of government.
2. Of or constituting a form of government in which sovereign power is divided between a central authority and a number of constituent political units
3. relating to the central government of a federation as distinct from the governments of its member units
4. Favorable to or advocating federatio
5. "The senator's federal leanings were well known.
6.Relating to or formed by a treaty or compact between constituent political units.
7. Of, relating to, or supporting Federalism or the Federalist Party.
8. Of, relating to, or loyal to the Union cause during the American Civil War
9.Of, relating to, or being the central government of the United States.
Collateral: meaning
Situated or running side by side; parallel.
Coinciding in tendency or effect; concomitant or accompanying.
Serving to support or corroborate.
"collateral evidence
WE THE PEOPLE ARE COLLATERAL BOND SLAVES!!! Under A Rogue Imposter Federal Regime! 1933 Adolf Hitler was used by Rothchilds to as the Federal Dictator for population reduction to Recover Debt. The federal regime is a Rothchilds dictatorship. The Money Printed by Federal Reserve Banks is Blood Money!
More info about banks, money, federal reserve:

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