Naomi Wolf on how lipid nanoparticles damage reproduction

6 months ago

"10 years they knew that lipid nanoparticles degrade human reproductive function and they do that by mechanism of lipid nanoparticles which is so creepy. Lipid nanoparticles traverse membranes, they traverse every membrane in the human the Pfizer documents it shows that the lipid nanoparticles don't stay in the deltoid, they get into every organ in the human body...when you think about human reproduction, the fact they're traversing the placenta, we're getting premature babies, we have dramatic rises in miscarriage rates, there are a million missing babies Western Europe, babies that haven't ben born...the babies can't get enough oxygen or food in utero because of the compromised status of this barrier...the placenta...the lipid nanoparticles degrade the membrane holding the testes. And so the degrade the Sertoli cells and Lydia cells which are the factories of masculinity, masculine hormones. So we don't even know if the babies whose moms were vaccinates will grow up to develop into normal adult males with secondary sex characteristics..."

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