Can We Bring the Dead Back to Life? Shocking Science Reveals the Truth! || LetsgoScience

6 months ago

Can we bring a dead person back to life? To test this, some very intriguing experiments were conducted on dogs in the early 1900s. On September 18th, 1925, Sergei Brukhonenko introduced a rather interesting invention to the world. During a major medical conference in Russia, he presented a device called the "autojector," which mimicked the functions of the heart and lungs. The device essentially had two electric pumps that were connected to the main arteries in the neck via rubber tubes. On the other side, these pumps were connected to an oxygenation vessel where oxygen was added to the blood. Brukhonenko's idea was that one pump would draw deoxygenated blood from the body and send it to the oxygenation vessel, where oxygen would be added. Then, the other pump would inject this oxygenated blood back into the body. And in this way, a dead organism could be brought back to life!

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