Can't hide From the Lies 🤥

6 months ago
The DNC puts moderate lipstick on a communist pig
Tina Toon

The Democratic National Convention began with protests, bad dance acts, and a formulaic speech by the Democrat 2016 sore loser, Hillary Clinton.
Hillary seemed to suggest a woman must and should be president merely because she’s a woman. Forget about merit. This was ironic as the Democrats can not even define “what is a woman is” as they struggle with gender specific bathrooms.

The Chicago clown circus is in town and the usual clown suspects are speaking on night one—including communist AOC. She proceeded to shout in a loud voice about ‘Orange Man Bad’ and the usual socialist dribble. Let’s hope she made better drinks than speeches. She and the rest of the Democrats are trying mightily to present themselves as moderates to appeal to the Democrat base. They are trying to put blue lipstick on a red communist pig—and they’re not doing a messy job of it.
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