Breast Cancer Is A Food-Born Illness Primary Caused By Pesticides

6 months ago

This just blew my mind.. 🤯

Breast Cancer is a Food-Born Illness Primarily Caused by Pesticides Sprayed on our Food — Made in Other Countries, but Banned in Other Countries

• 1 out of 8 women have breast cancer er and is estrogen-driven
—— 6 billion pounds of pesticides are being invisibly sprayed on our food every year. And these pesticides are estrogen-receptor agonists.

• These pesticides are being sold to us from China and Germany, which ironically they’ve banned in their food supply because it’s poisonous

• Pesticides are so toxic that 20% of all suicides are by people drinking pesticide, but were told by our Government they’re totally safe.

• The largest merger ever done in Germany was Bayer/Monsanto…
—— Bayer makes cancer drugs, for things like non-Hodgkins lymphoma
—— Monsanto makes agricultural chemical company, such as Round-Up, one of the most widely used pesticides in America.
—— Round-Up Causes non-Hodgkins lymphoma

See the conflict?
Create the illness… treat the illness.

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