Democrat Cover-Up Fails - Democrats DID Demand Defunding Police

1 month ago

Democrats and the left-stream media have been demanding police around the nation to be defunded since 2020, claiming "policing needs to be reimagined." However, as history has proven since that demand of 4 years ago, crime around the nation has escalated and Americans are furious. They no longer feel safe to go to the park or the store or to a restaurant, because they know their city and state gov'ts have put a target on their backs.

Late July 2024, Joe Biden's mental illness was finally exposed to the nation and he was forced to drop out of the presidential campaign, even though he had won every single Democrat primary throughout the entire primary season. With only 3 1/2 months to go until election day and 6 weeks before early voting was to start, the Democrats were in a panic, so the "elites" chose their new Democrat candidate for president... Kamala Harris

Ironically, Kamala Harris suddenly became the Democrat 2024 candidate without winning a single primary vote and without Democrats across the nation having any say in the matter. Even worse, Harris has the worst approval rating of any Vice President in history.

The "elite" Democrats rushed to change Harris' image from being far far-left to just being moderately far-left. Harris does an immediate 180 on many of her life's positions, such as opposing fracking, supporting gun confiscation, being Biden's border czar to investigate the mass influx of illegal aliens (15+ million) to name a few.

Also at the top of the list of what needed to be changed overnight was Harris' stance for years on defunding the police. In fact, all Democrats realized they needed to back away from that policy as Americans have been quite vocal over their anger of criminals being let out on no-cash bail faster than the ink on their arrest reports could dry. All of them rushed to various microphones to make it clear they did not support defunding the police and imply they never supported it.

One of the nice things about the 21st century was video cameras. Be careful what you say... someone might just be recording it.

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