The Nazi Catastrophe

1 month ago

In the initial years of the implementation of Nazi ideology, Germany experienced unprecedented industrial and social success—irrefutable evidence that there is significant value in contemplating Hitler’s taboo “Mein Kamph” treatise. What is also true is that Hitler was responsible for an estimated 75 million deaths, the elimination of an entire generation of Germans, the genocide of at least many hundreds of thousands of Jews*, incomprehensible suffering, incalculable physical destruction, an indefinite endurance of national German stigma, and a social quarantine of essential truths critical to human social growth that might exist in “Mein Kamph”.
How can we reconcile such extreme positive and negative results? The reconciliation is that Hitler’s Darwinian ideas on race, and his understanding of the inextricable all-important link between race and culture were spot on. What was off was his lack of empathy relative to the average human. Hitler wasn’t a psychopath—his reason for being was love for his country, but his Nazi ideology did not incorporate any instinctive human compassion which resulted in Nazis invading sovereign countries, murdering perhaps millions of innocent civilians, and performing ghastly medical experiments on children. It Is difficult to imagine what could be more reprehensible than these acts, yet if the Nazis had prevailed, despite the uncertain fate of the rest of the world, it is reasonable to imagine that the German people would have achieved a paradise for themselves impossible to accomplish in a multiethnic society. If such paradisical social achievement is humanity’s ultimate goal, then humanity must mature into admitting that the Nazis, despite their atrocities, were somehow on the right track. Yet, the primitive state of modern social progress blocks the exploration of this right track.
Were ends-justifying-means Nazi atrocities actually moral? The cold deeply taboo logical truth is that maybe they were, maybe they weren't. Is it actually immoral to holocaust Jews if the end result is a monoethnic homeland for seventy million Germans? Is it wrong to kill two Jewish twin children in horrific medical experiments if these experiments save the lives of many German pilots? Such moral questions actually have no definitive answer because morality is truly subjective, though most people are unable to understand this because they have never learned to think independently, but only shudder in socially-programmed revulsion at these moral questions.
The way to make sense of the Nazism moral quandry is to understand that morality is no more than a matter of opinion regarding proper compassion, and proper compassion may forever be too murky a concept to pin down. While the truth is that Nazism was actually moral in at least certain paradigms, the current mindless morality of the average human cannot separate crucial beneficial Nazism’s ideology with its WW2 consequences, and thus Nazism will never ever be socially acceptable. The way forward is to appreciate and teach that Nazism did not need to express itself in this imperialistic, maximally violent way, and then rebrand its humane sociology with another word, such as “ethno-nationalism” so the appalling consequences of the Third Reich can be jettisoned. Indeed, Nazism could have expressed itself with mainstream acceptable compassion; Nazis could have achieved a monoethnic society peacefully—they could have refrained from invading sovereign countries, and they could have peacefully given a reasonable timetable for Jews and other foreigners to leave, and wished them well after humanely shipping them to the German border. This is how every modern society should behave today, yet again because of the WW2 Nazi atrocities, this discussion is taboo. It is this taboo against the exploration of the benefits of Nazism that is far and away the biggest obstacle against humanity’s maximally needed social progress, and it is probable this taboo will lead to the genocide of the white race. Because whites are no longer allowed to defend themselves and their homelands because of Nazi ideology stigma, they are suffering genocide by overwhelming unarmed invading low IQ dark races.
• Because the phrase “six million Jews” has been seen in newspaper print at least 230 times before 1945, and also because it seems physically mathematically impossible to send six million people into available gas chambers during the WW2 Holocaust, logic concludes six million Jews did not die in the Holocaust; however, thorough evidence confirms very many Jews were gassed at concentration camps. One bit of very convincing Holocaust evidence is the actual diaries of SS guards at Auschwitz described in the book “KL Auschwitz Seen By The SS”.

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