Reject: A Super Superhero Story (part 31)

1 month ago

*With SuperDuperMan having all the backing, and the money, from Memory Hernandez, and with the Protector letting the Just know that the US Government backs SuperDuperMan as well, there is not much choice. Control has to follow the directive of this new superhero that has joined his team and so he gets into the Just Jet and heads for Texas and Reject. But as he flies he does have the time to also address one other issue that he has seen. Nothing escapes from the ever watchful gaze of Control and he asks his oldest friend, Harrison Selleck, to sit with him in the Just Jet cockpit so he can make sure everything is okay. He has seen that recently, in the last few months, Selleck has had a harder and harder time keeping the red lust for blood out of his eyes whenever he turns into Wreck. He has seen that Selleck is turning back into the wild beast that he'd been so sure...that everyone had been so sure...Selleck had tamed centuries ago. Control only asks if Selleck can handle this, and Reject, if he lands and sends Wreck out first to test the limits of this new green man [AI Art]*

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