Gates calls for political action for Net Zero.. Net Zero will, in effect mean all life will die..

5 months ago

Gates calls for political action for Net Zero.. Net Zero will mean No life whatsoever..: 'Taxing oil and gas would be an important step' Bill Gates: 'There is no excuse for not reaching net zero carbon emissions.. Both the subsidies and the lack of taxation on oil and gas are an obstacle. If this tax could be secured politically, that would be very good. Bill Gates' proposed Co2 tax could particularly impact the poorer classes, as higher energy prices due to such taxes could significantly increase the cost of living. Wealthy people with greater financial resources can more easily bear these additional costs or invest in expensive, environmentally friendly technologies. However, such a tax could impose a financial burden on the average citizen and would not necessarily lead to fundamental structural changes. Agenda 2030 Klaus Schwab: 'You will have nothing and you will be happy'..

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