SECRET LEVEL Is Gonna Be A MUST Watch | NEW Video Game Anthology Series | PRIME VIDEO

6 months ago

Prime Video just released the first look trailer for SECRET LEVEL, and as a video game fan, this thing looks AWESOME!

SECRET LEVEL - The official synopsis for Secret Level reads: “ Each episode of 'Secret Level' serves as a gateway to a new adventure, unlocking exciting worlds from beloved gaming classics and highly anticipated new titles.

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video game fans you're going to want to sit down for this so Amazon just released their first look trailer for the upcoming series secret level which will be a 15 episode Anthology series featuring multiple video game properties and season 1 is stacked I mean look at all of these properties from Dungeons and Dragons Crossfire personally my favorite Mega Man and then PlayStation there was a brief look of God of War in there now anyone familiar with the Netflix series uh love death and robots which a big recommend if you haven't watched that series I highly recommend it Tim Miller who uh created that series is also attached to this secret level one so I'm guessing that these 15 episodes will range anywhere from like 7 minutes to maybe 20 plus minutes per episode showcasing quick stories in those video game property worlds different animation Styles voice acting leaning more into kind of adult animation themes so far this first look is great the team and everyone behind it is is backing it up this could be something really cool

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