CULT OF THE MEDICS - Chapter 10: The Overseers #Savethechildren #Bloodbank

6 months ago

Cult of The Medics channel

This is an excellent documentary series...
Links to all the parts below:
Link to part 1 here:
Link to part 2 here:
Link to part 3 Here:
Link to part 4 Here:
Link to part 5 Here:
Link to part 6 Here:
Link to part 7 Here:
Link to part 8 Here:
Link to part 9 Here:

Note: The maker of this video does not know that
SARS COV2 aka covid is a LIE. It has NEVER been isolated: therefore it does NOT exist (see the numerous videos I have shared about this). Dr Tom Cowan wrote a book called the myth of contagion which I read a few years ago. Modern medicine is based on the germ theory which is another BIG lie. Diseases are simply toxicity. Avoid toxins and the so called diseases will go away.

Also he is unaware of the lie that happened in WW2. At the 25:35 mark the man in the video says ''what the nazi's did.'' He too is unaware of what happened back then. What happened in "Nazi" Germany is a LIE.
I suggest everyone watch the documentary called The Greatest Story Never Told for the truth about what happened in WW2. Hitler was made to be "the bad guy". The victors write the history.
Link to The Greatest Story Never Told documentary here:

Aliens do not exist, these beings he spoke of are the fallen angels / demons.

I initially thought there were only 8 chapters to this series, then I thought there were 10 and after watching this chapter I found out there are 2 more chapters. 12 all together. The last 2 chapters he has not made yet, once I see them I will share them.

Lastly he is unaware of the true shape of the earth. Please ignore all the globe / planet / ball CGI and talk in this video and all the other parts of this docu-series.

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