The Old World and The Fall Of The Old World

6 months ago

This Full Length Documentary is a re-release of my Old World video along with my The Fall of the Old World video. More evidence and information has been collected.
High-Technology, WAR, and the Great Reset of History. After the realm was depopulated and all evidence covered up, the Old World was repopulated with cloned children and all of humanity was reset. The historical record never mentioned these events. Only through searching for the truth and then researching the hollow stories of our past can we piece together the lies and find some sort of truth backed by fact. Join me in discovering what has been hidden from us all as we find out what really happened to the Old World and how it possibly was destroyed. As always I encourage everyone to DO THERE OWN RESEARCH and look into all theories and ideas I present..
Please watch with an open mind and enjoy!!!

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Thank You Again For Watching!!!

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