All Glory to God

7 months ago

All Glory to God

Music is playing in my heart.
All Glory to God.
I could hear it in my mind.
Now you can hear it too.
Love has the power to lift your spirit to the heavens,
when it comes in the form of a song for the glory of God.
I'm just the vessel, just a humble servant to my Lord Jesus.
Just a small sample from his kingdom, let his people now sing.
Gods heavenly music.
Sent in a blessing for me to share with you.
I know God Loves me and God Loves you too.
All Glory to God, for he sent his only son to save us from ourselves
and the darkness of this world.
The devil can not snatch us from our
Lords mighty hand.
Jesus is King.
And that slick talking serpent slithers away on his belly through the hot desert sand.
All Glory to God.
With his powerful might chasing the demons back into the darkness of the night, with his glorious light.
When you are feeling sad or even just a little blue, give it all to God and he will see you through.
You are not forsaken, you are never alone.
Jesus guards the doorway to your heart and your heavenly home.
All praise to you Jesus.
All Glory to all mighty God.
His kingdom is great,
when we cried out to him for salvation,
his mercy did not hesitate.
As many times that we have fallen, he never gave us up.
For his love for his children it does endure.
The darkness can not have us, the battle has been won.
Jesus our Savior his Love so pure. Mighty is he the Son of God.
None can stand against him.
All Glory to God.
All Glory to God, we praise your name.
We give our lives to you in Jesus Holy name.
All Glory to God in heaven, you gave us Love.
All Glory to God in the heavens above.
Praise be to Jesus as we sing out his name, the music is playing in my heart again.
I can hear it in my heart.
I can hear it in my mind.
Now by the grace of God you can hear it too.
Because God loved us first and he sent this great blessing from my heart to you.
Let the music play.
Let the church bells ring.
Let our God in heaven hear all of his people sing.
All Glory to God.
For he gave me this song to share with you.
Jesus does Love me.
Know this my friend that this is true Jesus our Lord he Loves you too.
We sing to you Jesus with Love in our hearts, all praise be to you.

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