Viewing This World Through Eternity’s Eyes - a daily inspiration

3 months ago

September 19 - Viewing This World Through Eternity’s Eyes - a daily inspiration
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The ego has programmed us to view this world and those in it through its judgment-centered mindset. The ego focuses on the physical aspects of the body (what it looks like, says and does) and constantly judges them as right or wrong. The ego calls judgment wisdom, and has taught us to believe that the more we can judge something or someone, the wiser we are. We have already seen and experienced the consequences of viewing the world and those in it through the ego’s judgment-filled eyes more than enough times. This way of viewing the world has brought us frustration, anger, pain, resentment, regret, guilt, shame and thoughts of revenge. If this is what seeing this world through the ego’s eyes brings to us, why do we keep supporting its view as real and true?

Today, let us practice seeing this world and those in it through God’s eyes, in alignment with the eternal in us. Let us overlook or forgive the silly little games that a body plays within time, and focus on the soul’s eternal loving essence. Our brothers and sisters are not what they think, say and do. They are God’s eternal, loving creations. God is perfection and only creates perfectly. When we see others as they were created to be, we see their perfect nature. Today, let us place our focus on the eternal sameness in each other. God sees in us His perfect creations. In essence, seeing others through Eternity’s eyes is viewing them with love, compassion, mercy, peace and grace. By choosing to see others through God’s eyes, we finally get to see them as our Creator created them.
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