The Awake Nation 08.20.2024 Blood Moons And The Strange

6 months ago

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In an update to a story we covered in a previous broadcast, Bill Gates is planning to cause a monkeypox pandemic by releasing a lab-created version of the bioweapon and then releasing a vaccine for the virus that is even deadlier than the disease because it contains AIDS. Also, in a shocking revelation, new intel proves that the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic was a manufactured virus brought on by vaccinations of military personnel. Mark Christopher Lawrence discussed doing clean comedy in the age of raunchy stand-up. Gary Wayne explored how Jesus fulfilled Old Testament laws and the deeper meanings behind them as well as Nostradamus's prophecies, connecting historical figures with modern implications. Brent Thomas provided an intriguing account of how a super blue blood moon impacted his well-being, prompting a discussion on the moon's potential effects on humans. Dr. James Thorp discussed healthcare spending and a controversial plane crash involving physicians who reportedly had a breakthrough in cancer treatment and prophetic visions related to Donald Trump, highlighting a person's experiences and connections with another individual who has made similar predictions.

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