THE GOSPEL OF MATTHEW Part 38: Walking on Water

7 months ago

After feeding the five thousand, Jesus told the disciples to return to the other side of Galilee. The God-man stayed behind to pray. When He was finished, the disciples were beyond calling distance, so Jesus simply walked across the water to meet up with the group.

The disciples were genuinely frightened when they saw the God-man walking calmly on the turbulent water caused by the howling storm. Peter impulsively jumped out of the boat but his faith began to falter as he realized walking on water was not natural. It is clear that Jesus was operating on a different plane of existence, exercising supernatural control over the environment.

Everyone can walk on ice, but it is an entirely different matter to walk on liquid! The God-man emphasized the fact that He had no power in Himself and was completely dependent upon the Holy Spirit to perform miracles. Are you relying upon the Holy Spirit?
Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1936 -- NOVEMBER 5, 2023

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