Project BlueBeam: The Fake Alien Invasion

5 months ago

Project BlueBeam: The Fake Alien Invasion

This is NOT my video and I do not take credit for this. This is just a personal reupload of a video from another person.

The plan to create a fascistic totalitarian New World Order under the umbrella of an emerging a Luciferian New Age has been well known for decades. Project Bluebeam ushers in this age old dark planned deception. We are seeing an increase in UFO sightings as the plan finally emerges on the cusp of global financial collapse.

Exploring the theory of Project Bluebeam, where global elites allegedly use holograms to manipulate the public and establish a one world order.

With the latest UAP disclosures, it would certainly appear that a planetary event of great magnitude is taking place. But what if it was all a giant hoax? Alternative researchers have long theorized that government and global elite might do just that very thing. IN the early 90's Canadian Journalist and lecturer Serge Monast published the book Project Bluebeam in which he outlined the governments plans for using advanced technology to fake an alien invasion intended to create a one world government and religion. He believed the influx of alien and space related movies and television shows were part of an effort to prepare the public to accept the possibility of an alien threat.

Mirrored - Jay Myers Documentaries

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