As The Last Bell Tolls (Documentary)

5 months ago

As The Last Bell Tolls (Documentary)

When speaking of the COVID Plandemic or the latest... I realize this is a blanket statement, but this is a comment section, not a long format dialog...
Forgive my diatribe here, but I feel this may help the stress in some people:
Please read the attached article links...

But, the truth is they (the NWO psycho's) cannot do what they are planning, (the left’s widespread pandemic).
At least, not without MSM deception.
As nature or basic math... has made viruses, to be useless to kill its host first, before spreading. To kill the host without being able to jump to the next would be the end of the virus. A super-spreader virus is not possible even man-made virus cannot become superspreaders. Due to any inherent high mortality rate. This would end the spread before it has this chance to infect the many.
Therefore, the only way to spread a monster virus as they ( the Maniacs) wish, is to inject it manually into the victim, or using an inoculation. And/or, by using contaminated test kits, manipulating (phony) statistics... (Such as Changing flu stats to COVID Stats).
Many noticed that the common Flu totally disappeared during the COVID pandemic.
They are deceiving the world into voluntarily infect themselves, by inoculation.
Even the Myth of insect transference by biting insects can not do this, as the virus is RNA, and mutates to rapidly for a controllable spread.

Here are just a few background studies to back my claim:

Be aware of their lies...
Virus will always weaken over time: "This process may play a role in natural pandemic cessation and has apparently contributed to the exponential decline in mortality rates over time…"

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