I will never be able to relax at the beach again

6 months ago

Since I began training as a lifeguard and learned about drowning statistics, my view on the world changed drastically. I became hyperaware about people taking unnecessary risks and exhibiting irresponsible behaviours in the water..

I also started noticing even the smallest signs of someone struggling in the water including kids in need of help when they get out of their depth. Now, always vigilant I cannot stay fully relaxed on my vacations, but I also have a higher purpose to replace it with. 

I like my new role and it feels more like a calling than a profession that I work towards so with excitement I’m going to continue my journey in educating others and becoming a protector for my family and people I come in contact with.

Hi,& my name is Alan Cie. I learned to swim at the age of 32 and it changed my life. I'm making swimming and water an integral part of my life, my job, and my future business.

I talk about anything that is related to swimming, water safety, and water sports. If you would like to offer a collaboration or a joined video together, please reach out via email or Twitter / X.

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