OS: Learn to Manage Trust

6 months ago

Hello neighbor…
I am Alec. I am a Business Power Trainer looking for people to serve… Test us…

Q: Is your property exempt?

Offer: I Teach People How to Execute Trust Instruments.

Scary Simple Service.

Maxim of Law: 51o. All political power is inherent in the people by decree of God, thus none can exist except it be derived from them. American Maxim. (Game Over.)

Let's hangout and have some fun… If you wish…

Fun fact: California State Bar annual attorney license fee: $515.

Challenge: Will people pay to learn how to flex business power?

Membership Value: You will learn how to administer your trust entities called: Business.

One Year Access Private Membership Association Fee: $540.

Contact the Association if you wish to build behaviors and patterns like a boss by God with Love.

From: Alec,(Trustee).
One PMA. Independent Living Skills. Income Resource Strategy.
Contact: (858)-405-1524
Website: https://charity-organization-for-one-mankind.square.site/

Notice: The government is to be subject to the law, for the law makes the government. 51b.

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