Prophet Julie Green - You Are About to See More Disruptions - July 22, 2024 -Captions

6 months ago

Julie discusses various prophecies given by God about the removal of President Biden and the upcoming political events. Julie emphasizes that God has been warning about these events since 2021 and urges people to pay attention to the signs of impending change. Julie also mentions specific individuals in positions of power, warning them that their actions will be exposed and they will face judgment. The overall message is one of encouragement, urging people to trust in God's protection and prepare for the disruptions and challenges that lie ahead.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 07-22-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

Today’s Scriptures:
Luke 8:17, 12:2
Amos 3:7
Joel 2:28
Acts 2:17
1 Cor. 2:9
Jer. 1:10
Ex. 3:7-9, 17, 19-22
Heb. 13:8
1 Cor. 2:9
Eph. 3:20
1 John 4:4
Col. 1:13
John 17:14, 16
Ps. 91:1-16
Gal. 3:13
Deut. 28:1-15
Eccles. 1:9
2 Tim. 1:7
Isa. 54:17
Josh. 23:10
Ex. 5:1, 9:1

You are seeing things prophetically coming to pass.

Your enemies are imploding and the Body of Christ is unifying like never before.

No eye has ever seen what God is about to pour out on this Earth.

Keep calling down the removal of those against God and His nation.

Your enemies are about to be overthrown.

Things are going to shake and will not go the way your enemies want it to go.

You need to have a firm focused foundation on the Father.

God is detailed in prophecy because He wants His children to know He sees what your enemies are doing and hears your cries.

God does exceedingly and abundantly more than you can ask for.

Don't push the panic button or fear as things start to shake more.

God is El Shaddai- The God with Whom Nothing is Impossible.

Plead the Blood of Jesus over yourself, home, family, finances if you haven't done so.

You are a child of the Most High God. God does not fail!

Unprecedented: never done or known before.

The disruptions and darkness is not meant for you.

Stop the fear because God is here.

God is giving you these words and wants you to pay attention to Him and what He is saying. Get into the Word of God daily.

Keep shouting down your enemies and their plans.

Keep your heart fixed on God and trust Him now more than ever.

Warnings are not to bring fear, they are to bring faith.

God is bigger than your enemies and your problems.

Trust in God. He is going to see you through everything and into your victory.


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX:www.prophecyindex.org



Good morning, everybody. Today is Monday and it's July 22nd of 2024. What another amazing weekend of prophecies being fulfilled and we're seeing what God is saying in his word, what he has been saying. These prophecies are coming to pass. So fast, God's protected our nation the week before, and now he's showing this as a time of removals.

God's been talking about the removal of the Biden since December of 2021. Might've been for that, but that's the ones I can find right now. Since December of 2021, he's been talking about the removal. Of the Biden. But I also want to let everybody know too, because there's a prophecy that I have pulled up and it's from, let's see here.

I think this is also from 2021 and the prophecy is called It's Time to Celebrate. Let me share this. I have a couple of things I'm going to share, share with you.

Here look what this says so Biden fall fall for your fall be seen throughout this earth your failure We will be seen and your name will be revealed and a person is betraying you will also fall to the ground Yes, he's free falling even as I speak My children watch this week as Biden speaks. Watch what he reveals in the news.

Your days are coming to a close now, Biden.... You can feel it even though you are heavily drugged and you know, they have betrayed you and want you dead now. They want you out because you are no longer relevant to their plans. They are moving on without you, the arrogance! And they think they can put whomever they want in replace of you. No, they can't! And Kamala, you also have a target on your back and you are definitely *not Biden's replacement*.

So I just wanted to show you that because people automatically, because yesterday when Biden stepped down again, God said, this is a time of removals. And he said replacement of a candidate is near. Now, Biden was the candidate for this 2024 election. Now remember he's, as of right now, he hasn't stepped down as president, but don't be surprised when *that *takes place before the 2024 election, I mean, a lot of people think that this is all because he's stepping aside now, all of a sudden everything's over.

No! This is just begun! I want to show you another headline. I started laughing when I actually heard this because God said it first, and I want you to see this. Remember God said that they, that their their mouths, their tongues would be their own worst enemies. I want to share this with you. Look at what Biden calls Obama.

Biden Calls Obama a Puppet Master as the White House Slips into Chaos. God has been calling Obama puppet master and he's also been calling Biden the puppet. And so now you're even seeing headlines like this in the news. Biden actually said Obama is the Puppet Master and that's what God has been revealing to us for *so long.* Now we're seeing it in the news.

This is just something that is so amazing So when people think that Kamala is a replacement because biden endorsed her Oh, no, the show has just begun They don't care about election laws. They don't care about what things are supposed to be like in our constitution and how elections are. They don't care.

God has already said that, but he said, Kamala, you are not Biden's replacement either. So this is about to get very, very interesting about what they are going to do for the democratic national convention. And there is actually prophecies that God talked about. How it was definitely not going to be how the way they want it to go.

And there's going to be chaos and disruption. So we'll see how God's going to do it all. But God is the one who is in control. Again, God has been speaking of this since 2021. I want to give another prophecy out here. Let's see here. I'm going to put this up here. Okay. Now this is from, I'll go up here.

The announcement of a replacement is coming soon. This is from June 12th of 2024. And if you read all down, like again, you can go to our website at JGM international dot org -- you can see the replacement. You can see the puppet masters and the puppet, how he's referred to him. You can see, you can see there about The Biden's removal.

You can see about, about Kamala and what God's saying that's going to come to pass. This is what God's been saying, and that's why what he's saying is coming to pass. Now look what it says. This is from June. The announcement of a replacement is coming soon. I told you that they are getting rid of The Biden.

They have no choice but to make their next moves to secure this next election. They think by doing this, they will have a chance, but little do they know, there's no chance of continuing to control this nation through steal, a stolen elections, and by making their own selections, this is all coming to an abrupt end.

My nation is about to be released from the for the world to see saith the Lord. Now, again, I want to show this to you because this was. June 12th. This is before, remember what God said on June 26th? It was the day before the debate and God said that Biden was going to fall by his own sword and then after that was going to be a landslide for them to remove him.

That's exactly what has been taking place. Here's actually another prophetic word. I want to show you. This is October 26 of 2023. The Biden's camp is falling apart. Their narrative and popularity are imploding. Their power is weakening. The removal of the puppet Take place demands for his removal will be greater after whistleblowers give testimonies and evidence of money laundering, bribes, and kickbacks selling out your nation.

This will be proven with one explosion of truth after another, we've been seeing truth about Biden and about China and about Hunter and about all these different things with the Biden crime family. And again, this is the reason why you've seen a removal of the puppet, and of course are also seeing the polls that are just absolutely just imploding on the side of the left, but again God has been saying this all along. So this is something i'm going to actually give you another prophecy out this morning God gave it to me on the 20th.

So I think that was yeah, it was Saturday so I'll be giving that out to you, but I wanted just to give you some encouragement. God has been talking about these things and we're seeing things prophetically come to pass and it's intensifying in the speed of prophecy being fulfilled. There are so many prophecy fulfillment videos that we could do right now.

We just don't have time to make them all. I mean, that's why I'm trying to end these live shows, trying to give you encouragement because we can't make these videos as fast or these are coming out right now. So I'm going to try to give you things on a daily basis, maybe of just encouraging you of God's word, what he's saying, how it's coming to pass.

And the show is just getting started. I don't know if you guys know this, but just get your popcorn out and get it ready because things are, things are going to start picking up speed even more now. So again, the Biden did not have a choice. He was actually forced out. It was another type of, I would say a coup against him.

It should have been really, they should have, he should have been stepping down a long time ago. But, and given the people in the primary a choice to be able to choose who they want. Because even though I'm not a Democrat, but I still feel like the Democrats should have had a choice of who they want to choose.

And I don't think they really got the choice that they wanted And of course you have the bureaucrats and the upper elite and the upper echelon the elites are now Making the demands of what they want and who they want and I will tell you Watch what they do to Kamala. There's a prophetic word that God has given me.

He said that she also has a target on her back and I just read you in that prophetic word that they don't want her either This is not his replacement. So we are going to start seeing things. They might have her for a short time I they might not even have her at all It might just be to the democratic national convention and we will see what God does but i'm telling you It's going to get interesting.

God said they were imploding and that's exactly what is taking place They are imploding while God is his side is right now coming together and unifying like never before. So I want to get to this prophetic word I'm going to read out to you this morning with the scriptures that God has given me again.

This is from July 20th. So two days ago. This is from Saturday early morning. I got two different words that day And this is the first one. So, here it is. You Are About to See More Disruptions. For I, the Lord, this day have told you, my children, that I have cut the lines of communication of your enemies.

You are about to see more disruptions of businesses, of flights, of the internet, and phone services, and things that look one way when they are another. You saw, like I have said in previous words, flights will be grounded, but they, but it will happen again. You saw how the world almost stood still with the communication breakdown of hospitals, banks, and many things were affected on that day.

Do you see how vulnerable things are without me? Man made inventions and technology is nothing compared to me. I've also told you and I would remind you again, *this is no longer business as usual*. And things will not stay the same. Many changes are coming to your nation, O United States! A greater shaking is about to take place

that some are not prepared for.

The shaking that is coming will be *violent shaking. *It'll be an *Unprecedented* shaking. Your enemies are coming after you with more malice with more attacks with more hatred and more chaos. But as you've seen so many times recently, it will not happen as they *want* things to happen. I'm allowing this nation to see how vulnerable it was without my protection, but you have it now.

You have to trust and believe in me now more than ever.

A bug or a virus is coming on a scale and a magnitude never seen. Do not fear. Read my word, no death or pestilence will come near you.

Terrorist attacks are coming, as I have warned you, even worse than on that fateful day in September of 2001. My children, you will see things you don't understand, and you just can't describe it. But my children, when I move, and I do things on a scale never seen before, your imaginations will not be able to imagine what is about to take place

upon this nation.

But *remember* who *I Am*. I saved your rightful president at that time. I saved this nation; I will do it again, but on a greater scale or a larger scale, excuse me.... Your enemies are planning as I'm speaking this word, mass casualties and mass chaos. They are petrified of losing control of this nation and their global reset.

No matter what they choose, *they lose*. So my church, get up now and unite. Fight back. Your enemy's power is nothing compared to mine. And I live in you. Get a hold of that fact - that truth that will set you free, and send you right into your victory, saith the Lord of hosts.

_Archives_, this word will be in your news for a significant reason. *Woe to you*, Kimberly Cheatle. You think you can hide behind the establishment, that the, that they will protect you and keep you safe in your position of power, but you haven't considered me. I will remove you and the choice is not yours to stay there.

The pressure is building and evidence is coming to expose you and the ones who gave you those directions. A collapse is coming for the bureaucrats running your agency. Oh yes, I will also clean out the secret service of *traitors*, and I will *start with you*. _Kimberly,_ *truth is coming*, with no way of stopping it, saith the Lord of Hosts.

My children, exposure is coming and explosive information on the plan that they had for the day they tried to kill my David and this nation. _Mayorkas_! *You are not safe* either from *the truth*. I will show the world the design, the plan, and how you worked to help carry out this and hide the truth and any evidence there was.

Well, you don't have that type of power. Your judgment is near and your judgment will be clear to this nation, sayeth the Lord of Hosts.

_Christopher Wray_, you are *not safe* either. The FBI will be cleaned out by me. I will show even more how dirty and evil you are, and the ones controlling your agency, along with the establishment paying you to hide their crimes. Well, I Am the one who is about to bring this all down. And you'll be brought down with the ones who control you, and put in the spot for this plot

and others against this nation. *Judgment is here for you*, _Christopher_, and you will also not stay in your place of power, saith the Lord of hosts.

Forensic evidence will come out across your airwaves and prove what I, the Lord have been saying about this crime scene. Evidence I have that will be brought out. I told you my children, they wanted death to this nation, and now they will see the *death* to the _precious establishment_. They thought they had built a well oiled machine to control the world.

They are deeply rooted in everything. They have fail-safes everywhere so they could _never_ be brought down. Just as some have spoken of the Titanic as being the *unsinkable ship* when the world had seen that wasn't true. Now your enemies are about to face that same fate with their power and their swamp they try to control this nation with,

and it's about to be *disintegrated before your eyes*. Judgment day is almost upon you, where you will see this is all true. *Fight* my children like, like never before. Use *my words* _like a weapon_, and watch the collapse of the global government before your eyes! I Am ready, so get ready, saith the Lord, your Redeemer.

So in this prophetic word, he's mentioning three separate people. Kimbery Cheatle, and she is a director of the Secret Service. You also have Alejandro Mayorkas, who is in control of DHS. And also he's talking about Christopher Wray when he's being, and that he's in charge of the FBI when you hear him specifically call people out,

remember, no matter who's protecting, no matter who's shielding the truth, *God's word is truth*. And truth, like he says in his word, in Luke chapter 8 and also Luke chapter 12, everything hidden will be made known, or every lie will be revealed. So no matter how they have tried to hide their crimes, As God said, their precious establishment, and they use the three letter agencies and also the Secret Service apparently to hide their crimes and what they are doing.

But remember what God has said even right before what happened to President Trump on that day, God talked about fingerprints would be all over their crimes and their victims. So no matter what they try to do to hide these sayings, God is exposing these sayings on a scale that we have never seen before.

And that is because he's been giving us these prophetic words, and no matter what anyone else says, and say, Well, prophecy isn't for today. Prophecy is for today because God is for today and God will always warn His people before He does anything upon this earth. That's why He talks about Name is 3 7. I do not do anything without first revealing it to His servants, the prophets.

You also see what God talks about in Joel chapter 2 and Acts chapter 2 where he talks about in the last days He will pour out his spirit upon all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy We are in that time of great prophecy We're in that time of not only hearing the prophetic words But seeing the prophetic words coming to pass on a scale that no one has ever seen Seen like this before because we are in uncharted territory or uncharted waters and God keeps saying the word unprecedented Unconventional and unusual and so and unpredictable and one of the things that God is showing us There's even somebody said in a headline, one of my team members sent me on a our, our group chat is they use the word unprecedented when it came to Biden setting down in this time, because you got to think this is the end of July.

They are less than a month away from their democratic national convention. And this has never happened like this in our nation's history. Now, Lyndon B. Johnson, he had actually stepped down in March of that year. It was like 1968. He actually stepped down in March, so again, you gotta think that's a, that's a long enough time before their convention and before the election.

This is the end of July, almost the beginning of August, when this person, who was running for a re election, who said he was running for a re election, came out on Friday with a, with a comment and saying he's not stepping down, and all of a sudden, he just stepped down. On yesterday, he was not given the choice.

There was a coup against him, but God also said, these are the days of payment because what they did against president Trump and what they've done against our nation will be done unto them. Days of payment. They made a coup against president Trump, stolen election 2020, and now they had a coup against him and they're not done, they will also do something against Kamala and removing her from office.

They do not want her. They do not want her as the, on the ticket right now. They had to try to have a plan because if they don't have her on the ticket, then they won't have the money that backs it up. So that's the reason why you're going to start seeing it. But even Obama had come out, I think yesterday, right after this all took place, and he did not endorse.

Kamala. So then I automatically went to the prophecies and see what God said about it since 2021 and he told Kamala, you are not the Biden's replacement. And now all of a sudden you can start seeing that. Obama is not endorsing her. He's basically said, I don't know exactly what he said. It's something about, let's just see how it all plays out or something.

So they are not done. With it but as they backstab her watch to see how some things start to come out Even more because God has been talking about this in prophecy for over Three years now now when I get to some scriptures And we are at that time where God says in his word go to first corinthians 2 9 first corinthians 2

9 and it says This is the amplified version, but on the contrary, as the scripture says what I has not seen an ear has not heard and not has entered into the heart of man, all that God has prepared and made and keeps ready for those who love him, who hold them affectionate and reverence and proper a promptly obeying him and great gratefully recognizing the benefits he has bestowed.

No, I has ever seen what God is about to do and pour out upon this earth. And we, people are going to know, remember what God has been telling us for the last several years. He says, I'm going to let the world know, not a version of me. I'm going to let the know the world know who I truly. Okay, he's gonna let the world know who he truly is because our enemies have infiltrated the church and they wanted people to have a version of God or even a twisted version of who he is and what he does in specific moments in time like we are in right now.

We are in very unprecedented times, things that have never happened like this before. Okay. And when I'm going to go back over, when I go back over this prophetic word and talk about how they're hiding evidence, I'm going to show you a video that I actually received the night of that attempted assassination on president Trump.

And how they've been saying that the shooter did not have any social media. Well, I do have a video proof that he was on social media and he talked about, he hates Republicans, he hates president Trump. And he says, you got the wrong guy. He absolutely says this. And I was actually just watching Christopher and I were just watching yesterday, JFK again.

It looked like things were one way. It looked like Lee Harvey Oswald was that guy. He was that fall guy. It looks like something, but it's really not. Now they're trying diversion and they're trying to get the attention off president Trump. And now they're trying to put it on Biden. Because they don't see they don't like seeing what's going on Since that happened of assassination attempt how it didn't go the way they wanted to go and now all of a sudden The momentum is on his side now They're trying to get it back on their side by trying to to cause all of these things are going on for distraction So there's a lot of things that they're doing right now to cause commotion cause chaos cause confusion and cause disruption What God and I want to okay, let's go back over a scripture that he's given us time and time again jeremiah 1 in verse 10 jeremiah 1 And verse 10 see I have appointed this day Appointed you to be the oversight of the nations and of the kingdoms to root out pull down to destroy to overthrow to build And to plant, we have to keep calling the removal of the ones that are against God and against this nation or your nation.

And as we keep saying that it'd be an agreement with God, you're going to start seeing more and more things start to come to pass. Even more frequently and God says we are in the time where things are Intensifying and they are intensifying. I don't know about you, but look what's been going on since january to now.

We're on july 22nd and the escalation of things the intensity of things and things are coming out so fast Things are being done so quickly God has talked about this For so long, but God says that we are the oversight of the nations and other kingdoms to root out, pull down, to destroy, to overthrow, to build and to plant.

So we are about to see many things and our enemies about to be overthrown out of their seats of power, and God is going to do it not only to God within one week. Save our rightful president. He saved our country and he re is removing the one that stole it or was being used to steal it because you know, he's just a puppet, which God calls him.

And he even, like I just showed you earlier with that article, Biden even calls Obama the puppet master. You can't make this stuff up. God is so awesome. And I love how he's showing this. And his word go to Exodus chapter three, I'm gonna go back to Exodus really quick before I go on. Look what God said.

Again, he calls this the greater Exodus. All right. I want you guys to go to Exodus chapter three and verse seven. And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry. Because they're taskmasters and oppressors, for I know their sorrows, suffering, and trials.

God has known what we have been dealing with in this nation and the nations around the world. God has heard the cries of His people. And when God hears the cries of His people, remember He's the same yesterday, today, and forever. Look at what He promises. God's people when he sees the affliction. He sees the suffering.

He sees the bondage and the slavery God says in verse eight And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand and the power of the egyptians and to bring them out of this land And a good land a land full of milk and honey and a land of plenty in the land of the canine The hittite and the amorite the parasite and have the hevite and the jubasite now before I before I go on Remember what the biden said To George Stephanopoulos, I will not be removed or I will not get off this ticket or I will not step down from running for re election unless God, the Lord God Almighty comes down and removes me.

And within what? A week and a half? He's removed. Now, there's a lot of things going on behind the scenes that we don't know about yet. That we will know about what happened. They're hiding things, but it's gonna be more evident, and God's gonna show more evidence of what they have been doing in the White House.

Now he says in verse 9 behold the cry of the Israelites have come to me and I have seen how the Egyptians oppressed them so again, God sees God hears and then God does something about it. And as you can see in Exodus 3 and verse 17 And I have declared that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt.

God said he will bring them up. So he's seen it. Now God says, I'm going to bring you up. I'm going to bring you out of the control of the Egyptians. In verse 19, so then he says how he's going to do it. And I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless forced to do so, no, not by a mighty hand.

God knew that the establishment, God knew that these elites, God knew that they would not let this nation or the nations go without being forced to do so. God knows that. God's been telling us this for years. God's been giving us this revelation that they would not let us go unless forced to do so. He said, no, not by a mighty hand.

That means a mighty hand. That means mankind. That means we could not personally do it on our own. That's why God has to come down. Even the mightiest of army could not remove them because why? They've infiltrated every aspect of our life. Every aspect of our government, even our military. They have, they've gotten deeply rooted in everything.

You know that this, that they've gotten into the three letter agencies. They obviously, now we found out they got into the Secret Service. They've gotten in everything. God said they were deeply rooted because they were so deeply rooted that fail safes everywhere And they thought that they could do whatever they wanted when they wanted it because nothing was going to stop them But they didn't take God in a consideration Just like Pharaoh didn't And pharaoh was removed.

So was all of his army along with him verse 20 So God said so I will stretch out my hand and smite egypt with all my wonders which I will do in it And after that he will let you go God has been speaking that they are pharaohs of today and they will let us go verse 21 I will give the people favor and respect on the side of the egyptians and it shall be that when you go you shall not You Go out empty handed.

Now there's a time of restoration also coming and then 22, but every woman shall insistently solicit of her neighbor and of that they may be residing at her house of jewels, articles of silver and gold and garments. Would you shall put on your sons and daughters and you shall strip the Egyptians of the belongings that are due to you.

So he's also talking about a restoration and a wealth, wealth, wealth transfer. But as God spoke this to Moses, okay, he spoke this to Moses. This is what's going to happen. And it got worse before it got better. And that's what God has been preparing our hearts. Things are going to shake. No eyes ever seen and no ears ever heard what's about to do.

But God keeps reassuring us. He's shown us all these prophetic words. He's been talking to us for years about things that are going to happen He's been telling us to trust him he's been telling us to trust and get in his word and to renew our minds with the Word of God and God is saying this is a time that we have to have that firm focus Foundation on him because he said things are violently going to shake but we're we're had that firm focus Foundation of him We will not be moved.

So do not be afraid of what's going to happen because guys warn us about their desperation. He's told us about how they were going to start doing things. He said that they were going to start trying more things against you. He said, even in this prophetic word, which I will go over here in a minute or so, he said that they want, they have more malice.

More hatred, more disruptions, or more destruction, and more chaos planned. But, it won't happen the way they want it. This is not going the way they want it to go. It's going the way, prophetically, God said it was going to happen, but not the way your enemies want it to happen. Because things would have played out very differently, if just like when God said in his prophetic words, which he's been talking about since the indictments came out, immediately, God said all those indictments against President Trump were going to come crashing down.

We have seen the indictments come crashing down. And all their hope is lost now on trying to stop President Trump from actually, they didn't stop him from taking the ticket, they didn't remove him off the ballot, they couldn't stop him from the nomination, and they can't stop him and put him in jail before the election now.

None of it's working. It's not happening the way they want it to happen. So, guess what they tried to do? After that immunity, again, there was cries for an assassination. On the side of the left, they're calling it to Biden and saying, Biden, assassinate him, and they were doing this out in public. I've given you the articles, I've shown you, and there was even more.

They're not hiding. Because they think they can get away with it. Then you have an assassination attempt. It didn't work. It failed. Just like God said several different times in prophecy. They would try to put, they would try to assassinate him. It was not gonna work and it didn't. God protected him. You see how detailed God has been in prophecy and the reason why he's been detailed so much in prophecy is because he's trying to get his people's attention.

That he does know what's going on upon this earth. He does see what the evil has been up to. He does see the oppression, the enslavement, he does see the bondage. He sees that the evil and the corruption that's been going on. And he's saying to you, I hear it. I hear your cries. I see what your enemies are doing, and now I'm going to come down and do something about it.

That's why prophecy is so important. Because God has been telling us this before any of this was taking place. God has been telling us this. Now I want to keep reading, because let's go to Ephesians 3. Go to Ephesians 3, and I think I'll start with verse 20. Ephesians 3

20 now to him who by inconsequence of the action of his power that is at work within us, is that work within us, remember God's within us. First John four, four to carry out his purpose and do super abundantly far above all that we dare ask or think infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, hopes, and dreams.

God does exceedingly, abundantly, more we can ask for thank. I also want to read you another one.

Colossians 1 13 Remember when things are starting to get chaotic or things are starting to look like it's going in the wrong direction or things are going to look worse before they get better. DON'T PUSH THE PANIC BUTTON! Our enemies should be pushing their panic button because all of this, what God says, is the judgment of the world.

Just like Pharaoh had against him, there was judgments or there was plagues that hit him in order for him to understand and know, and the Egyptians to understand and know, that God is a God over all the Gods that they served, and God was bigger than anything that they realized. That they pray to God is our God.

El Shana the great. I Am the God who, nothing isn't possible. He is a God over all the earth. He talks about that. He's the one. He is a judge over all the earth. This is Psalm 75 in verse seven. He takes down one and he lifts up another. It's God's decision. It's God's plan. It's God's will. It's God's purpose.

It's not the enemies. They have all the plans that they want. It's not going to work. The way they want it to work. Colossians 1 13, the father has delivered and drawn us to himself out of the control and dominion of darkness and has transferred us into his kingdom of his son of his love. God has drawn us out of the dominion of darkness.

And so you've seen the dominion of darkness upon this earth. You've seen the evil, you've seen the globalist. You've seen the elites. You've seen the establishment. You've seen what they try to do. And God said he's drawing you out of it. It looks like we're in it, but just like Jesus said when he prayed one of his last prayers upon this earth before he was crucified, he said, They're in this world, but they are not of it.

And then he says it again. They're in this world, or, they're in this world just as I Am in this world, or they're not of this world. So, well, okay.

I gotta go read it. Go to John 17.

Okay. Jesus says this twice. This is why it's so vitally important.

Okay, so John 17 verse 14 I have given and delivered to them your word and your message and the world has hated them Because they are not of the world do not belong to this world Just as I Am not of this world remember we're Christians We're Christ followers and Jesus says right there. They are not of this world They don't belong to this world just as I Am not of this world because of the Jesus is shedding blood And what he did for us on Calvary, and what he did by giving us the keys that held death in the grave that he took when he was raised from the dead.

He's telling us, look, you're in this world, but you are not under the control of it. And he says it again, in verse 16, They are not of the world, worldly belonging to this world, just as I Am not of this world. So when you start seeing things to shake, when you start seeing things get uncertain, when you start seeing, like, chaos and disruptions and, and destruction, God said you're in it, but you're not of it.

That's why you should read Psalm 91. A thousand may fall at one side and ten thousand at another, but it will not come near me. Start reading Psalm 91 every day. Start pleading the blood of Jesus over yourself and over your homes and over your finances and over everything in your life. Start pleading the blood.

Say, Julie, how do I plead the blood? Heavenly Father, I plead the blood of Jesus. Over my home over my family over everything we own over our vehicles and we thank and praise you father God that I draw that bloodline over my property and over my family and the enemy cannot penetrate that blood Just as in your word when you spoke father God in Exodus when they put the blood over the doorpost and lentils that the angel of death could not be Come in their home, and it wasn't allowed.

I thank you Father God It's not allowed in my home today because you are the same Yesterday, today, and forever. That's just an example of what we pray all the time. Over the ministry, Over our personal lives, over our families. This is how we pray. This is how you fight the good fight of faith. You always make sure you have the blood of Jesus, you have the power and authority of that name, you have the word of God, which is the sword of the spirit, you have the greater one that lives on the inside of you.

And he that's in the world, you have everything that's going for you. Not for your enemy, but everything is going for you. Because you are a chosen generation, you are a child of the Most High God, and God does not fail. Write that all over the place. God does not fail. He won't fail. He won't fail you. Now I'm going to go back over this prophetic word.

I have more scriptures. Maybe i'll get to it when I read over it.

All right. This is the first paragraph It's this this one is called You Are About to See More Disruptions. Now we saw disruption disruptions last friday. I actually got on live I knew I was going to I told you on thursday. God was niggling me about something going on And I I was actually gonna plan on taking the day off because I hadn't had one in a couple weeks But the Lord I knew was niggling me when I said that, no, you need to get on.

Something's going to happen, which it did on Friday morning. We saw the biggest I.T. failure in existence in the world. It happened globally was affected with Microsoft and a Crowd Strike, I think is the name of that it group and flights were disrupted, you have hospitals, banks, and all kinds of things that God was talking about in this prophetic word.

Yeah. But he mentions it because God has been mentioning this in prophetic words for years about grounding of flights. You look, look it up, you can go to our website, look it up. God's been talking about these kinds of things. He's been warning us about rolling blackouts. He's been more warning us about things not being business as usual.

One Friday at first, I just thought it was Milwaukee because they were messing with the people at the, the RNC convention that we're actually flying home, but it was a global problem. It affected banks, hospitals, airports. There was grounding of flights. Everywhere, but now God is telling us again.

He's been warning us for the years. He's saying we're about to see more disruptions We're in uncharted territory. He also said we're in Unprecedented an unprecedented place and I want to go back. And give to you Because I think it's really important when you hear that

I know people know I just do this because I think it helps people. Unprecedented

definition, never done or known before. We've had an unprecedented 24, 20, 24 election. It's like God said. It's completely unprecedented and it's completely unconventional. He's been saying that for years. And now all of a sudden you're starting to see the lamestream media use this word over and over and over again, unprecedented, never done or known before.

Why? Because God said, no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, what's about to be happen upon this earth. Unprecedented. So, okay, this is what he's saying in that first part of that word now. For I, the Lord, this day, I told you, my children, that I have cut the lines of communication of your enemies. You are about to see more disruptions of businesses, flights.

Internet, phone services, things that look one way when they are another. So when people automatically see disruptions and then they start to freak out and wonder what's going on, this is not against you and I. We're in this world, but we are not of it. We're protected by the greater one. He's our provider.

He's our healer. He's our advocate. He's our standby. He's our comforter. This is why it's so important to know who God is and what for you to expect him to do in times of uncertain times, uncertainty, times that are unprecedented, times are unusual, times are unconventional, is the best time to know God for who God really is.

So it's for this unconventional things and more of the disruptions is against our enemies and it's really not against us. This is a time we're supposed to be celebrating more than any other time. Well, what if it looks really a lot worse? Start to celebrate. God said it was gonna get worse before it got better.

And he said, I'm your protector. He talked about a lock in or a lock down. He talked about things that were gonna go blackout. He talked about a time of silence. He talked about all these things. This is why we should not be worried when these things happen. Stop the fear. That's another thing you should be putting everywhere in your home.

Stop the fear. Why? Because God is here. Stop the fear. God is here. God is not going to let the enemies have what they want. We've already seen it right in front of our face all around the world. The death of the kill shot for this nation and for President Trump, and it did not happen. He used that as an example.

He's showing us he is going to save this nation no matter what the enemies try to do against it. Why it's so important we stand and pray. You saw like I have said in previous words, flies would be grounded, but it will happen again. So flies will be grounded, but it will happen again. Again, so don't be surprised when you see it.

We've already seen a lot of flights being ground. I think there's happened in December of 2023. We saw some in January, but this was on a greater scale. We're going to start seeing more things like that. The need says. You saw how the world almost stood still with this communication breakdown of Hospitals banks and many things that were affected on that day.

He's talking about Friday last Friday Do you see how vulnerable things are without me man made inventions and technology? Is nothing compared to me. So what are you showing us is how vulnerable our enemies technology and their power or their system is against God and a flip of a switch. He can take it all down.

He doesn't need. He's God. And so no matter what they have to protect them, it's not big enough to protect them from almighty God. Then he says, I've also told you, and I will remind you again, this is no longer business as usual and things will not stay the same. Many changes are coming to your nation. No United States.

So people in United States of America, perk your ears up and pay attention because he says things are not going to be the same. In this country

a greater shaking is about to take place that some are not prepared for Why do you think that God keeps talking in prophetic words like this? Because he wants to prepare his children's heart for what is about to take place And so when you have all this disinformation and you have all this fear and you have all this confusion from the enemy's camp And from some of the body of Christ religious and legalism and all that kind of stuff.

And God is saying, look, I'm giving you these words. I'm proving to you that I'm saying these words. And now it's for you to pay attention to me and my words and what I'm saying. This is what God is telling us. That's why I tell you, don't take my word for it. You get into the word of God. God will not let you down.

That's why it's important to know who he is. The shaking that is coming will be a violent shaking. Now, this is like the second or third time he's talked about a violent shaking. It will be an unprecedented shaking. Now he's using that word unprecedented, so that means never have done, has happened, or done before.

Your enemies are coming after you with more malice, with more attacks, with more hatred, and more chaos. But as you've seen so many times recently, It will not happen as a way they want things to happen. So they have a way because there's chaos in their camps. And I just, I just read to you that article and showed you that article when Biden called Obama the puppet master.

And they said, there's chaos in the white house. God's talked about the chaos. God's talked about them imploding. God's talked about them turning on one another and we're seeing it in front of our face. God said all these things. Multiple different times, multiple different prophetic words. And so when they are desperate and they are shaking and everything's imploding, that's the reason why you're going to start seeing more things directed at us.

But God, and that's what you've been saying over and over and over again, your enemies are coming after you with more malice and more, more attacks and more hatred and more chaos. But as you've seen so many times recently, it will not happen as the way they want things to happen. So you're going to start seeing things, but God says, don't worry about the things you're seeing, because they're not going to go the way that the enemies want them to go.

And that's why we're supposed to keep shouting them down. We're supposed to keep shouting the collapse of their plans. We're supposed to keep shouting their lines of communication are cut off. And like it's a Tower of Babel where they are confused and things aren't going to happen the way they want. We have something to say about it.

So instead of agreeing with our enemies all the time with oh things are getting darker and things are getting worse and things are Getting more impossible. No God said things are gonna get darker for our enemies. It may look darker for us, but it's not intended for us We're in this world, but we are not of it Look at the example.

It gave you with the land of goshen goshen was full of light when egypt was full of darkness Goshen was protected by the plagues when egypt was decimated by the plagues. That's the same God we serve. He's the same God. That's why we have to be more paying more attention to what he's saying than what our enemies are saying.

Who cares what they're saying? Who cares? They're not going to get what they want. Now here's what he's saying. I have allowed this nation to see how vulnerable it was without my protection. I've allowed this nation to see how vulnerable it was without my protection, but You have it now. You have to trust and believe in me now more than ever before.

So God allowed to see our, our country be vulnerable. And I have a feeling there's going to be more to come. Because we have to realize it's not a person that's going to save us. It's God. That's why he says you don't need an election for this nation to come back to its freedom. You need God. We need God.

We don't need an election to save us. We need God to save us. And remember, he says you don't need an election. It's a political reset that's going to take place. That's more, and that's bigger. So he says, but you have it now. We have what now? His protection? He says, you have to trust and believe in me now more than ever.

Again, he's warning. Warnings are not to bring fear. Warnings are to bring faith. Warnings are not to bring fear. They are to bring faith. God has warned us about all these things before we've already seen some of these things. That was the beginning of the shaking. We've seen a foreshadowing of what is to come on a greater scale, but God's saying it's nothing to fear.

Then he says a bug or a virus is coming now. So may call it a bug when people are sick and some people call it a virus, a bug or a virus. Which, whichever which way the mainstream is going to say. God's been warning us about viruses for years. Now he says, It's coming on a scale and magnitude never seen.

Do not fear. Read my word. No death and pestilence will come near you. Psalm 91. Also read Colossians 1, 13 I just gave you. Read Galatians 3 and 13. We're redeemed from the curse. Go read Deuteronomy 28, read the blessing, 1 through 14, read the curse, 15 on, and see what the curse is. And then flip back from Galatians 13 and 14 to Deuteronomy 28, 15, and keep saying, I'm redeemed from that, I'm redeemed from that, I'm redeemed from that, I'm redeemed from that, and keep going.

You are redeemed. Don't fall for their darkness. They've said dark winter for how many years now? They keep wanting things to take place and it's not going to happen the way they want. Are we going to see things in the news? Yes, we've seen little rumblings of things again since COVID. We're going to start seeing more.

But God's saying, do not fear. Then he says, terrorist attacks are coming. Well, then people would automatically freak out and say terrorist attacks are coming. They're getting panic mode. That's not what he's saying at all. He's warning you. So when you see terrorist attacks coming or you see a virus coming You're not taking off guard that you don't get in a panic and you're like well God said that was gonna happen, but I'm always at the right place at the right time So I'm not gonna worry about what's gonna take place.

I'm shielded by the blood of Jesus Christ I'm protected by that blood go back to the land of Goshen read those scriptures Get excited what God did for them in Goshen no matter what plague hit Egypt It didn't affect Goshen. People have to have that realization. And they have to have that revelation of God being that same God.

Terrorist attacks are coming, as I warned you, even worse than on that fateful day in September of 2001. We're talking about 9 11, obviously. My children, you will see things you don't understand. And you just can't describe it. But, my children, when I move, and I do things on a scale never seen before, your imaginations will not be able to imagine.

Was about to take place upon this earth. I'm sure that has got God's people in the land of Goshen They didn't realize what was gonna take place either on that scale and they didn't realize after they left Egypt They had no idea on the scale that they were about to see was the Red Sea They couldn't imagine that they couldn't have thought all three of them or the millions of millions and millions and millions There's like three million plus I think people that escaped out of Egypt They could have put their heads together.

They still would not have imagined the Red Sea moment and how God was going to destroy their enemy. Just like we're not going to. We don't have to worry about how God's going to do it. We just have to take trust in him that he will. But remember who I Am. I saved your rightful president at the same time I saved this nation.

He did. He proved that to us. He proved to us he was our protector. I will do it again, but on a larger scale. Now we can't imagine how that, how big that's going to be. We're not supposed to. God's telling us just to trust him. Your enemies are planning, as I'm speaking this word, mass casualties and mass chaos.

They are petrified of losing control of this nation and their global reset. No matter what they choose, they lose. So that's why God is warning us about things we're going to see. But he's telling us, no, what their weapon of choice, whatever they choose, They're going to lose and that's what we have to focus on guys are fortress guys Talk to us about that in his word Look at the revelation that david had about how powerful God was no matter the enemy he faced He didn't remind himself and how big how much bigger God was and that's what we should do on a daily basis And I know when you are under attack when i've been under attack I had to remind myself that no matter how big the attack was You That guy was bigger than that attack because sometimes it seems hopeless and out of your control.

Well good give it to God Let God control it his hands are bigger anyway, and his hands are more capable of taking care of your problem Now then he goes on to say so my church now he's talking to the body of christ get up now Unite and fight back your enemy's power is nothing compared to mine and I live in you Go read 1 John 4, 4 until you get the revelation be God inside minded that he's a greater one and he lives in you.

Say that all the time. God, I thank you that I have the revelation that I'm God inside minded, that you are the greater one and you live on the inside of me and you are greater than anything I face. You're greater than any enemy that I see. I thank you, Father God. They can't beat me because they can't beat you and you're inside of me.

That's that part. of encouraging yourself and renewing your mind with the word. Then he says, get a hold of that fact. And this is another marching order here. The truth that will set you free and send you right into a victory. God is telling you, I'm going to send you right into your victory. So what you have to do is trust God.

In God say, I trust in God. God is bigger. God lives on the inside of me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Any weapon the enemy chooses, he loses. And that should be on the hearts and minds of all of God's people on a continual basis. You see why it's so important that we have this in our hearts?

Because then we won't become hopeless, and we won't be full of despair, and depression, and fear, and worry, and anxiety. With all these things that everybody else is going through right now, because your heart's fixed on God. So the fact that the truth will set you free, and send you right into your victory.

God is sending you right into your victory. He says, says the Lord of hosts. Now, Archives, this word will be in your news for a significant reason. So look for the word archives that will be in the news. Now he's talking to Kimberly Shetel. She is the director. I think that's how you pronounce her name of the secret service.

And he says, what do you Kimberly Shetel? You think you can hide behind the establishment? Now there's been calls for her to step down since what happened with president Trump.

He says, you think you can hide behind an establishment? You can't. That they will protect you and keep you safe in your position of power. So she's relying on the ones who gave their direction and who gave her that position. But you haven't considered me. I'll remove you. The choice is not yours to stay there.

Just like you saw, it was not Biden's choice to stay in that position. And it's not done. He's not running for re election, just wait to see how they remove him from the seat of the president. They're not done with Biden yet. Just watch. They're not done with him. God said that in many different prophetic words.

Just because he's stepping down doesn't mean that the heat's off of him by the establishment because it's not I got I can't I Can't wait to give you guys a prophetic words I've heard about skeletons and many of their closets are about to come out about to be dug up. All right, then he says This is to Kimberly Sheetal still the pressure is building and the evidence is coming to expose you and the ones who gave you those Directions a collapse is coming for the bureaucrats running your agency Oh, yes, I will clean out the secret service of the traitors and I will start with you Kimberly truth is coming with no way of stopping it.

Say it the lord of hosts Now, let me see if I can share my screen here

and share. This is a really short clip This is what you're about to see is the shoe Hold on a minute. I keep okay. Hold on. Let me share the screen with you.

Okay, here we go. Here's the screen now this is the guy who shot supposedly President Trump shot as President Trump and This is him. Remember they were just telling you that he had no social media accounts He was never anywhere on social media. And this is him on social media, right before the assassination attempt.

Listen to what he has to say. It's Matthew Crooks. I hate Republicans. I hate Trump. And guess what? You got the wrong guy. Hmm. I thought they said he was a Republican. He hates Republicans. He hates Trump. And then let's just hear it from out of the words of his own mouth. Because you know he knew what was coming.

You got the wrong guy. You got the wrong guy. What's he talking about? You got the wrong guy. Just like Lee Harvey Oswald. They had the wrong guy. Now he probably thought he was gonna live through that and he didn't. But you got the wrong guy. Interesting that he said that. Keep that phrase in your mind. He got the wrong guy.

You got the wrong guy. Hmm. We're gonna see who the other person was. Because they tried doing a fast one. Remember, what does God's word say? There's nothing new under the sun. They tried this with JFK. He said, go back and watch that movie from like 1992 or 3 or whatever it was. Christopher and I were just watching it yesterday.

It's unbelievable. It's so unbelievable. It's uncanny. How similar are these things were so similar? I'm just telling you. All right now and somebody just says yeah, he voted for Nikki Haley Yeah, there's a lot of Democrats that were voted for Nikki Haley. Just saying I said that they're Republican when they weren't Okay, let's keep going.

So he's warning Kimberly. She don't so you're at watch She'll be so she'll step down or she'll be removed somehow or she'll say that she's resigning Well, yeah, she's probably saying that it's because she's being forced out, just like Biden said only God could get him to be removed. And all of a sudden, he's removed a week later, a week and a half later, whatever it was.

It's God, not these people. All right. Now he's talking about Alejandro Mayorkas. He is like, I think he's a director of DHS. If I'm right, my exposure is coming. Explosive information is coming on the plan. They had for the day. They tried to kill my David in this nation. Mayorkas, look him up. Mayorkas, you are not safe either from the truth.

I will show the world, the design, the plan and how you work to help carry this out and hide the truth in any evidence there was. Well, you don't have that type of power. Your judgment is near, and your judgment is clear to this nation, saith the Lord of hosts. Now, God keeps saying, after every single one of these, when he's calling these people out, he's saying the Lord of hosts.

Very significant. Very powerful. Because he's talking about the Lord of angel armies. It's got angels they can't mess with and they can't stop them. They cannot stop God All right. Now then he's talking about christopher ray again. He's talking about christopher ray a lot Actually I don't know how many prophecies christopher ray has been in probably Four five six, maybe I don't know.

It's been a lot. He is the director of the fbi. People don't know that they're in another country because I know people watch from all over the world All right. Now christopher way you are not safe either safe from what from the truth the fbi will be cleaned out By me, so God is going to clean out the fbi I will show even more how dirty and evil you are and the ones controlling your agency Along with the establishment paying you to hide their crimes They are paid to hide the establishment's crimes.

This is one of the biggest ones, which was the attempted assassination of president Trump. And then he says, well, I Am the one who was about to bring this all down. And you will be brought down with the ones who control you and put you in that spot for this plot and others against this nation judgment is here for you, Christopher, and you will also not stay in your place of power.

Say it, the Lord of hosts. So who's going to remove him? God. Who's not going to stand by idly by and just let all these things happen? God's not. And I think he's already proven that to us recently, especially in those last two weeks. And then he says forensic evidence. So watch that term in the news.

Forensic evidence will come out across your airwaves and prove what I, the Lord, have been saying about this crime scene. Not only the this crime scene, God's talking about the attempted assassination. He says in evidence I have that would be brought out God has the evidence. Remember guys infiltrated the whistleblowers come out with truth and the proof of what's happening.

They thought they could get away with it because it got away with it with JFK, but they're not. I told you my children, they wanted death to this nation. And now they will see the death to their precious establishment. We're already seeing it's being torn apart and it's imploding before our eyes. They thought they had built a well oiled machine to control the world.

And, he says, then he goes on to say, they are deeply rooted in everything. They have fail safes everywhere so they could never be brought down. Just as soon as I have spoken of it, or just as some have spoken of the Titanic as being the unsinkable ship, Well, when the world has seen that wasn't true now the world the Lord also gave a prophetic word You can look that up on our Titanic.

He's also said they're coming down like a Titanic they're actually sinking. They're coming down like the Titanic He's used that reference before this is not the first time they think the Titanic was unsinkable And it wasn't now he says now your enemies are about to face the same fate You With their power and their swamp that try to control this nation with and it's about to be decimated or d

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