Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Was Just One Of Biden's MANY MANY Lies Last Night

6 months ago

Posted • August 20, 2024: If you tried to stay up to see Biden's speech at the DNC last night, you noticed the Democrats bumped his speech out of prime time and back to midnight Eastern time. Most people on the East coast and in the Midwest were asleep or on their way to bed by the time Biden took the stage. Probably by design, because the speech was angry and definitely not joyful. It was also full of lies. Here's just one of them: Joe Biden brags about building 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. As of May, $7.5 billion has been spent — and only SEVEN chargers have been built. Now, we're not math majors, but 7 does not equal 500,000. But dividing $7.5 billion by 7 means each charging station cost just over $1 billion. Who TF got that money? Seriously, where did it go??? *Poof* Gone. And don't ask where. We'll never know.

There are only 120,000 regular gas stations in the US, 500k is absurd number for gas much less electric. This just shows Joe pulled that # out his ass. We think the goal was 500,000 chargers but yes -- that's four times as many traditional gas stations for cars most Americans cannot afford, and for a market that cannot be that massive because the resources required (like cobalt) have a finite supply. The win is getting to make friends and spread the money around. Slush funds for everyone! (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Was Just One of Biden's MANY MANY Lies Last Night

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