Sister Lakes Cable co SUCKS

4 months ago

So Sister Lakes Cable, one of the first cable providers in my rural area in Michigan, is finally installing fiber optic cable. Well after repeated bad experiences with this company, internet going out weekly, daily, even hourly and always I was told "you are the only one." Until one day I called my neighbor who also used this company and yup, he is out too. So ball faced lie? The next time again I called my neighbor and he said no problems since he switched to MEC. I did too and have not had ONE ISSUE since. MY cable was installed in a day and is under ground.

So... last Sunday I went to mow the grass only to find this huge black wire hanging chest high across my yard. Not knowing what it was at the time, I called the power company. They sent a few guys right out. Quickly they said it's not power, looks like fiber optic. BUT it should have been hung higher. YA THINK? They looked on two phone poles for "a tag" saying what company this was and found nothing. Wondering now if that is suppose to be done and wasn't? So they were kind enough to use a long pole and hook this wire up onto one of my pine trees getting it off the ground enough for me to get the riding mower under there. Great. The next day two guys came to work on this, and wondered why it was up in a tree. I explained I had no clue what that was and called the electric company. DO NOT leave this laying here again! If you do I will CUT the wire right out!!!!

Well today, tuesday, I go outside only to find this wire now laying in a pile right on the grass. I picked it up, hooked it onto a post of my neighbors fence which got it up OFF the ground high enough again for me to walk by. The guys showed up a bit later and asked me about the wire on the fence, that it shouldn't be bent. (It wasn't bent, just looped over the fence post.) AGAIN I explained when you are done for the day DO NOT leave this hanging low OR laying on my lawn. Get it up on the wire, they use rollers to hold it up on a wire between fence posts. They need MORE so the damn thing is not laying low. This is my back yard, I DO walk through there, use the mower to move wood etc etc.....

So watch this. So worried about bending the wire, is breaking my tree limbs hoisting it up on a branch, they minutes later yanking it back out any good for a fiber optic cable?

Back when I was still their customer, one day a tree came down on the power and cable lines. The cable line needed to be replaced. After many calls for support because of iffy internet, Tom, the owner finally came out. HE discovered instead of replacing this line, they spliced it with electric tape. A fact he seems to have forgotten when I started having issues again.

I feel sorry for anyone still using this company. It would not surprise me one bit if this cable isn't damaged from the crew installing it.

BTW..... I had a squash plant in back where these clowns were going back and forth. It's pretty obvious, but they managed to trample it anyway.

I swear, the next time that line is left on the ground or hanging low I WILL REMOVE IT!

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