Missouri Ozarks Pond Transformation! EP #1 Clearing 20' trees & grading new beach!

6 months ago

Ep #1! Join us for our latest mini series from our new 575 acre Missouri Ozark's farm as I begin to tackle the severely overgrown and unloved pond on this beautiful Missouri Ozarks property. This will take some time and effort with my Bobcat E42 R2 series mini excavator so I will tackle in sequence for a new mini series, until I get things completed. So for today's Episode #1 I'll start to clear the severely overgrown pond dam of all of the 20' trees and overgrown brush and clear the new/futute beach location. Once I get the trees and brush cleared I will start grading the pond dam to make it much more usable for a beach area. This will require regrading the pitch of the pond dam, as it is currently steep and the deepest part of the pond. So after I get all of the trees and brush cleared I will regrade it to tame the slope so that I can add a new beach in this area. Thanks for joining us today if you enjoyed today's episode please hit the like button and subscribe to follow all of our daily life and land updates from our new Missouri Ozarks property! Also hit the bell notification icon to get all of the updates as we post nearly every single day with new, unique and unusual content that is very unique, fun, educational, inspirational, and always has some fresh air and beautiful scenery! Thank you! #kapperoutdoors #kapperoutdoors2 #kapperoutdoorsmissouri

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