Ancient Cave Drawings Show Dinosaurs & Man Coexisted

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Ancient cave drawings show dinosaurs and man coexisted. Could it be true?

We’ve been told that dinosaurs and humans lived millions of years apart, making it impossible for them to have overlapped. However, new evidence suggests that not only did our ancient ancestors know about dinosaurs, but they also depicted them accurately. Does this mean it’s possible that humans and dinosaurs lived together?

It’s been suggested that some of the bones in museums were created and that most dinosaur skeletons are, at best, “educated guesses” of what the full creatures might have looked like. If we don't even know for certain what bones go together in modern times, then how did ancient civilizations know what dinosaurs looked like in the past? Why are there ongoing reports of people seeing strange, dinosaur-like creatures in lakes, dense forests, and even in the skies? And if any of this is true, why don’t we hear about it?

Join Edge of Wonder for this live show as they present evidence of dinosaurs existing alongside humans throughout the centuries. At the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer session only on Rise.TV. See you out on the edge!

#dinosaurs #ancienthistory #ancientcivilizations #worldhistory
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