Dragon's Voice

7 months ago

About Dragon's Voice

This Docusermon takes a behind the scenes look at the Medical Industrial Complex. The origin of Hospitals, their exploitation of the vulnerable, and their connection to the Papal Power. We also share Hamilton and Roses shocking yet Prophetic Deliverance from UHS, go one on one with Moderna Recipient, Tracy Chirico. And explore the coming disruption of the Medical Industrial Complex and Babylon by the 144,000!

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#MedicalIndustrialComplex #Dragonsvoice #dragonvoicesoftware #uhs #uhsbinghamton #Medicalcorruptuon #Medicalmalpractice #medicalexploitation #cesareansection #c-section #caesar #Covid-19 #covid19vaccine #genetherapy #moderna #billgates #hospital #medicalhistory #knightshospitaller #Rome #PapalPower #Pope #Papacy #Babylonthegreat #SpiritualBabylon #SeaBeast #Surgery #Unconventional #naturalremedies #medicalalternatives #herbalsurgery #medicalmissionary #gospelmedicalmissionary #latterrain #supernatural #supernaturalattack #supernaturalhealing #144k #Seventh-Day #seventhdayadventist #lomalindauniversity #andrewsuniversity #doctor #nurse #worldhealthorganization #nehushtan #serpentonpole #asclepius #medicine #deception #expose #exposethedarkness #ephesians511 #revelation1311 #flamesministry #evangelistpauljuberg

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