1 Samual 20 "Betrayal and Divine Providence: The Spear of King Saul"

6 months ago

Imagine today, where many people spend years in therapy because they were sternly spoken to by a parent or perhaps given a spanking. Now, picture Jonathan’s experience in 1 Samuel 20: in the midst of a heated argument about David, his own father, King Saul, threw a spear at him! This wasn’t just a private family dispute; it happened in front of influential members of the kingdom. Have you ever witnessed someone so bent on destroying another human being?

Yahuah, in His wisdom, provided cities of refuge for those who accidentally killed someone, the "innocent killers" of their time. Today, we hear about stalkers and psychopaths who seek vengeance, often targeting innocent victims. The next time you hear such a story, recall the history of King David, a simple shepherd boy whose only passion was for what was right, for Yahuah, and for Yisharal.

David respected the king anointed by Samuel, even when that king sought to destroy him. Yet, in the midst of such trials, David wrote beautiful songs and shared prophecies that have resonated through generations, even reaching us today. His faith and artistry were born out of his deep love for Yahuah and his unwavering commitment to righteousness, despite the intense persecution he faced.

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