Achieving Peace By Simply Allowing Our Truth to Shine - a daily inspiration

4 days ago

September 16 - Achieving Peace By Simply Allowing Our Truth to Shine - a daily inspiration
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When you shine your loving truth, you will feel peace. Allow your loving truth, like the sun, to shine on everyone who God presents to you today. You are now, have always been, and will forever be, who God created you to be. Thanks to free will, you can hide or reject your true nature for some time. But don’t worry, for as you hide or reject it, it forever remains safely within you, simply waiting for you to shift your focus. When you align with your true nature, with the love that you are, peace as an expression and extension of Love, will surround, embrace and protect you. When you feel inner peace, let this become a sign to you and others that you are at one with your all-loving Source. Today, at one with your Source, faithfully represent peace on Earth.

Today, in order to see and reflect our peaceful nature, let us make peace our goal. Before every interaction, let’s remind ourself: “Peace is my goal.” When we make peace our goal, the interaction becomes a means to achieve it. When we make peace the energy we focus on, it will be peace that will shine from us out to everyone, everything and all. Today, let’s remind ourself: “Peace is a sign and expression of the love and light that I am. I am God’s creation, and we are all One. As God’s creation, I am forever worthy of peace, and because we are all One, everyone else is also worthy of the gift of peace. Today, let me offer peace to all those God sends my way so that I too may experience this blessing, the peace of God, flowing through me and throughout my day.”
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