Free Will: What We Value, We Become - a daily inspiration

3 months ago

September 15 - Free Will: What We Value, We Become - a daily inspiration
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Free will invites us to choose what we focus on in every moment and thus what we experience. What we choose to focus on is what we value, consciously or not. What we value, we end up looking for, finding, focusing on, and thus experiencing. Therefore, our experience is an outcome of our focus. In the end, it is what we focus on and value that we experience and become. If you would like a greater connection to your true nature and your Source, then every day use your free will to practice valuing Love and all that Love represents. The more you practice choosing and aligning with Love’s expressions, the more natural and normal these choices will become, and the more worthy of them you will feel.

Today, remember that, thanks to God’s gift of free will, every moment offers you the opportunity to begin anew. Try it yourself to know that this is true. If you are feeling imprisoned by the ego’s mindset of anxiousness, worry or anger, stop and recall that in this very moment, you can choose the thoughts that you value and thus experience. Then choose to completely and wholeheartedly trust the Divine’s plan and love for you. When you do, the state of peace will surround you in its soft, comforting embrace. What do you have to lose by reminding yourself that the moment is simply a result of the thoughts that you choose to value? Today, choose to value your trust in the Divine over the ego’s programs. By doing so, you will experience Divine peace, and become a beacon of peace in your life and in the world.
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