Bear Suit Prank Shocker

6 years ago

Bear suits are our favorite suits here at AFV, even more so than three-piece, monkey, or the hit television program starring the now-Duchess of wherever. It’s not hard to do the math of this equation: nothing unfunny can occur when people dress as bears. It is truly one of the simplest, age-old recipes for hilarity and, best of all, the concept never tires! You watch the clip below and see if you get sick of it. (But don’t @ us if you do, we’re too self-centered to be bothered)

The scene begins in a factory stock room. The mark of this soon to be epic prank here is a man who works there, surveying a shipment of oversized teddy bears (or so he thinks). He’s looking around, shooting the breeze, chatting it up with his compatriot, admiring the cute teddies. Boy, is he about to be in for a real shock…

At this point, the partially obscured teddy bear jumps up and roars, scaring the ever-loving heck out of this guy. The bear pops up and removes his false head, revealing a young boy. What’s great is that everyone is having a laugh about this, no one got hurt, and it’s just absolutely hilarious.

Security cameras really are the gift that keeps on giving. Funny things become funnier when the subject is unaware they’re being recorded; it’s just a fact. And this guy DID NOT see that coming, that is for sure. This whole episode reminds me of an anecdote Dana Carvey had from his SNL days. He recounted a time when the Christopher Walken was hosting the show and said “bears are funny, bear suits are funny.” How right he was.

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