6 months ago

In this Zoom Call we explore particularly noteworthy occasions related to the emergence of the Lightning Path, beginning in 1972. Included in this overview are stories about such things as my early encounters with astrologer/philosopher Dane Rudhyar; my introduction to the concept of Earth healing taught to me by Hopi Indians in 1976; my participation in the 1987 global ceremonial event known as Harmonic Convergence; the 1991 Barbury Castle crop circle; the special 1999 astrological event known as the Grand Cross alignment and the 2012 Mayan Calendar event. Finally, we take a look at the Tzolkin context for the upcoming transit of Neptune into Aries.

I urge you to join me in fleshing out this fairly broad narrative wherein your memories and insights matter. So please, do step up and leave a comment or two. We’d love to hear from you!

Also, I have created the following time signatures for this vid. Enjoy!

0:00 Intro
3:19. Viewing life at a mythic level.
4:19. Dane Rudhyar. The Lunation Cycle.
7:34. Hopi Earth Healing. Chiron.
12:35. Robert Boissiere. Pahana/Quetzalcoatl
14:56. Laurette Sejourne. Burning Water. Quetzalcoatl.
16:25. A Union of Opposites. Humanistic/Transpersonal Astrology
18:02. Entering the Tzolkin. 13:20 Time.
23:30 Harmonic Convergence
27:26 Barbury Castle crop circle. Tzolkin connection.
34:25. Earth Healing Across Canada on CBC.
37:22. 1999 Grand Cross in Fixed Signs
43:29. 12 LAMAT
43:55. Galactic Center alignment. 2012
50:08 Tzolkin. Solar Kin Number.
53:11 Lightning Path astrology.
53:43. The Lightning Path Is A Transformative Gateway.
55:56. Temple of Star Harmony. Neptune into Aries.
1:01:12. Dwayne's Solar Kin number: 7 LAMAT.
1:00:37. Monthly reading example. 9 CABAN.
1:02:48. Discussion

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