The world population hoax

7 months ago

For years, it has been known that once a population drops below a TFR (total fertility rate) of 2.5, there is no possibility of recovery at which point that population is doomed to fade into a memory. (Today, "they" have conveniently lowered that number to 2.1 in an attempt to keep their population explosion theory alive.)

The world's TFR was at a historic low of 2.3 in 2020. This means that much of the world's population is destined to be but a memory in a few generations. The United States TFR is 1.64 and 1.56 in Great Britian. And these numbers are prior to the jabs! The adversary is working hard to reduce the TFRs all over the world.

This means that the population growth of the United States and Great Britain has no chance of recovery.

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