The Physical World Is A Reflection Of Our Collective Internal Condition - a daily inspiration

4 months ago

September 6 - The Physical World Is A Reflection Of Our Collective Internal Condition - a daily inspiration
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If you are experiencing confusion, it is because the ego’s world that you are taking advice from is confused. Take a good look at the ego’s world. Where is it now? Isn’t it participating in and dealing with a massive level of conflict, confusion, and chaos? Can a world that teaches you judgment of your brother and sister, anger, resentment, and revenge, truly teach you peace of mind and joy? Do you really think that if most of us on this planet were aligned with our truth, the peace and love in our hearts, the world would physically manifest like it now is? My friend, the lack of peace in the external world is simply a physical manifestation and reflection of the collective lack of peace in our internal worlds. And so today let us focus on bringing peace to our own minds, our own internal worlds, by offering ourselves what we truly thirst for, forgiveness, compassion, peace, joy and love. Do this every day, in every interaction you have with yourself and others, and your external world will begin to reshape itself to reflect your internal condition.
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