The Rise of Trump

6 months ago

Trump recently said that we need most of the legal immigrants that have unlawfully been brought
here "because of A.I." However, for the past 50 years our government has lied, telling us that there are only 11 million illegals in America. The number never changing, even though the governments own statistics clearly stated; that up to one million new illegal aliens were added to our country each and every year - most coming across the border, the rest; over staying their Visa's and vanishing into our country with no record of leaving. The most reliable people 'in the know' claim that between 20 - 30 illegal aliens have come across our borders in just the last 3 1/2 years... Trump claimed from the start that he would deport all the illegal aliens, However, once we elected him into office, that changed to 'he only planned to deport 'the worst of the worst'. The most recent numbers HE has given "was somewhere between 400 and 900 thousand". However, that is but a drop in the bucket of of the 20 - 30 million outlaws, weirdo's AND terrorist that have crossed our border in just the last few years - without even considering the 30 to 50 million illegals who were here prior to Biden and or Trump. Our current A.I. system 'replaces humans' it also enslaves us - it requires no more manpower, so Trumps claim that we need these extra bodies..flys in the face of reality. Ask yourself, how many tens of millions of us have they really murdered with their bio-weapon that requires so many replacement 'parts' - we will not learn the true numbers from "government" when they censor or incarcerate all who dare to come forward with the truth. That would amount to an admission of MURDER. Safe and effective - to this very day...

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