ISLAM Was Created By VATICAN(Homo capensis Monsters)

6 months ago

Brainchip-Puppet-Preachers are not a new phenomena controlled by the ancient devils.
Communicating by brainchips is from past civilizations like Atlantis and Lumania(exposed by the Sethbooks).

Homo capensis ruled past, advanced-civilization through the Tower-Of-Babel.
Brainchip-slaves (called "starchild" by Lloyd pye) were speechless slaves controlled by A.i. That A.i. was controlled by ancient devils(Homo capensis) in the past... and Freemasonry has handed over total control of A.i. supercomputers to those same ancient devils today.

ISLAM is just another dogma created by those ancient Homo capensis monsters to create artificial conflicts based upon fake religions.
The quoran was dictated to Mahommad from these same ancient devils through brainchip technology. It is a game that Homo capensis plays upon gullible Homo sapiens using technology that seems like magic to the oblivious, you see...

The poor muslims do not realize they are all within a religious cUlt that serves the Mystery School cUlt and thus serves the devils in control of Freemasonry and Jesuits.

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