Being a Conduit for Peace in Your Workplace - a daily inspiration

5 months ago

September 1 - Being a Conduit for Peace in Your Workplace - a daily inspiration
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The ego has programmed us to believe that our experiences in our workplace are predominantly impacted by the people who are in it. If we have bought into this programming, our attitude goes up or down depending on how the people around us are acting. Today, let us stop giving our power away to the ego’s programming and the outer world. Let us take our power back by accepting personal responsibility for our attitude — for how we choose to define our experiences. We have the final choice about what thoughts we support, and thus the attitude we take. If you would like to experience more peace in your workplace, then through your attitude, become a conduit of peace, and radiate peace. Make the conscious choice to see everyone through the lens of peace.

Today, take back control of the thoughts you think, and thus of your attitude, in your workplace. Doing so helps remind you that it is you, and not anything or anyone in the external environment, who has power over you. It is you who should be in control of your mind and attitude. Once you control your attitude, you control how you participate in this world. Today, allow your workplace environment to provide you with the opportunities needed to retrain your mind to think in alignment with the mind of God. Today, stop making excuses if your attitude is not in alignment with the mind of God, with your loving nature. No longer blame the outer world for your internal dialogue. Instead, learn to choose your thoughts so that you can bring peace to your mind and become a beacon of peace for others.
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